Sunday, February 23, 2014


Last night, we enjoyed Downton Abbey.  They introduced about 10 new suspense stories; how will they end them with only one more episode this season?  Leave us hanging?  Cliff hanger?

As always on Monday, I try to get the washing done.  That responsibility is growing with the use of sweatshirts and sweaters during this cold spell.  Thursday is suppose to be warm, in the 40s. Hope that doesn't miss us.  

In between changing the washing, I sat down to rest and watched the Olympics Ice Skate Dancing contest.  It must have been their long program as I just watched them the other night.  I was able to pick it up on channel 51 during the day.  I was happy that the American couple won!  The girls looked so cute with their Roaring Twenties headbands.  

After supper, I headed for my craft room.  I can always find something to entertain myself.  I made a list of all the cards I will need shortly: 4 graduations, 3 showers, 2 weddings.  (known so far) Might just as well get started!  I did do one album scrapbook page.

Oh boy, is it nasty outside with wind blowing and heavy snow coming down.  Yet it's 30o!  Figure that out.  Guess it still means to keep the winter crafts going. 

Well, first I'm going to figure out supper.  I'm tired of heavy meats, we have had everything recently.  I'm thinking soup.  I had mentioned the Unstuffed Cabbage recipe on Facebook to the family and you should have seen their faces.  Oh yeah, the noses went up in the air!   It looks delicious to me but I'm a veggie hound.   So I'm going to look up Pasta Fa Zool????? (Pasta Fagioli or pasta and bean soup) (totally out of my element here) If I put enough pasta in it, maybe they will accept it.  Time will tell.  

The soup turned out delicious.  Now I could eat that all week but the others would be sticking their noses up again.  Finicky people!


In lieu of the hockey on the Olympics, we watched PBS TV about the Grand Coulee Dam Construction on the Columbia River near Spokane, Washington.    Then that was followed by the Pennsylvania Railroad construction of the tunnel connecting New Jersey and New York City.  Both were really good programs.   We were just to lazy to do anything else.  I guess.

We had a trip to Rochester today as I had an appointment with the Dermatologist.  It was beautiful out, lots of sunshine!  We had lunch and shopped before heading home.

It was like 3:30pm, I made coffee and and went out on the porch to sit as it was warm.  I was looking for birds at the bird feeders.  Then-what to heck?  I see a rope hanging down from the feeder near the shed.  Oh my, is that a rat?   I got the binoculars and checked it out. 

It was a Opossum!  A big furry one with a pretty white face.  It was busy licking up the seeds.  It couldn't turn around as it was so big.  I watched it for some time.  How did it get up there?  Maybe it jumped from the snow drift over.   I'm thinking that I should have done something to discourage it as it will probably be back.  Opossum Soup?

Now supper is over and I'm waiting for the Ladies to Skate at the Olympics.  

No reason to hurry today, except for fear of wasting the day.  Once we got moving, we accomplished several little jobs.  I cleared the dinning room table off an restored the last used pots and small appliances.  Bob helped me wrap a shower gift so that's ready for next week.  
I checked my closet to see if I needed to iron stuff for Saturday night.  I also tried on shoes to see which pair would be comfortable; seems I have a inflamed joint on my little toe.  It's been hurting.  What else? 

After lunch, I went over town to CVS to pick up the new scripts  and stopped for a few groceries at Tops.  I bought two donuts to have with our 4 o'clock coffee.  I checked the bird feeder off and on all day; no opossum today.  

While I was gone, Bob finished the Income Taxes so he asked me to sign the pages.  That's a big job done.

I had spaghetti sauce out of the freezer to make for supper.  On the news, warnings of floods for Genesee County.  It's half rain and half snow here.  

Now on to more Ice Skating to watch.

Another appointment; this for my annual eye exam.  That was most of the morning, then Debbie sent a text asking if we were busy or could come and help put decorations up for the LLS Diamond Ball.  We went and had a good time.  Debbie had vases that were about 36" tall that we put a diamond ribbon on, glitter stuff inside and a candle bulb to be added later.  Then a big round mirror ball with tendrils that hung down inside of vase was placed on top.  It should be beautiful.  After finishing that I helped to wrap cookies and Bob went upstairs to help with the donations coming in for the auction.  
We left about 5:00 pm, and came home and had warm ups.  That was a full day for us.  



My phone buzzed on the bed stand, Betsy had picked up Sarah at the airport and would be home shortly.  Whoo, I better get up to visit.  Sarah's flight last night was cancelled due to weather.
Everybody was busy with one thing and another...hemming Sarah's dress, nails, to dah!  We did have a nice lunch all together.  





The 700 guests gathered upstairs for cocktails and hors d'oeuvres.  The auction items were all along the outside wall of this room.  I had scanned the items on Saturday while there decorating, so I hurried over to check how the bidding was going.  Doing good, way above what I would have bid.  So many donations; people were very generous.  
There was two puppies, a male and a female in the auction.  I nearly cried when I saw the ladies carrying them around.  They look just like our CINDER when she was a baby.  Rocco's brother, Louis won the bid on the male puppy so his children had to be happy.  

We had a great evening, very proud of our family.  It was a very successful event too; as Rocco announced  that the night's proceeds was $270,000.00.  

SUNDAY:I was the last person up but the rest of the family wasn't moving either.  All couch potatoes!   We hung out until Sarah left for the airport.  Then we all had nappies!

After our comatose state passed, we worked on photos.  Bob put an album on Face Book so look there for more photos.  

And, that's a wrap for this week.  Thanks for clicking in, have a good week making memories.



Sunday, February 16, 2014


It's been three days since I have Blogged!  Now to rely on memory, Here's hoping it works!
We are watching the parts of the Olympics that interest us.  Lots of up sets for the athletes.  When Sarah was skating her dress had to be a certain length or there would be demerits.  A Canadian pairs gal had a dress on that was way to short for her in the bodice as her bloomers pulled up and her cheeks hung out. she looked like she was wearing a thong!  Another skated with a big bushy ponytail that whipped her in the face, I thought that was a no, no but I asked Betsy and she couldn't add to it.  Betsy always did Sarah's her up in a bun with jewelry accents-pretty!  Well,  years ago, things change.  

THROWBACK PIC  5/19/2001

The deer are still coming to the neighbor's bird feeder.  Night before last there was five of them, they knocked the bird feeder down and it had to be fixed.  They push and shove each other to get to the feed on the ground.  One kicked the smallest one to get her out of the way.  When Betsy is asked at work about her parents, she tells them about us watching for the deer.  The guys all want to know if a buck has come.  There are no horns on the one's I've seen so I really don't know.  I'm to tell them when "Buckie" comes.  

I made two of these valentines and Betsy put them in the mail for me.  The one I saved for my file is stamped crooked. 


My Stampin Up order came just before supper.  Gees, I have been waiting all day for it and now I have to make dinner.  I opened it and was shocked.  They sent the wrong type of stamps!  They sent rubber stamps, I want the clear acrylic-see through.  I'll have to call after supper.  After, I checked my order numbers; yep, they are right.  In their catalog, there is order numbers for stamps to put on wood base and an order number called clear to put on an acrylic base...I thought the stamp would be clear!   Betsy jumped in on my problem and right away, get that phone out and call the company.  She was told all stamps are rubber based unless you order photopolymer stamps which are only listed on line.  What?  There's no explanation in catalog as to that.  I was so freaking disappointed!  That really lowered my expectations from a good company.  I wanted to send them back.  I went on line to see if the same stamps were available in the photopolymer.  Ha!  There are two pages of these with only about five stamps on each page.  Not available!   So I settled down and called my newly acquired Consultant.  She talked me thru the set up and offered many times to come help me.  I'll work with them just to see. I like the see thru, so I don't get them crooked when I stamp. 
 I had ordered some Sizzix Framelits also so I tried using them before throwing in the towel for the night.  That was fun!  

Looks bright and beautiful outside, the driveway has melted off for the first time in a while.  
Right after lunch, while it was half way decent out, I drove down to Aldi's for some veggies.  About three o'clock, I started my big-gie Valentine Dinner as Betsy had plans for tomorrow night.  What to heck possessed me?  That's work!  Steak, mushrooms in balsamic vinegar sauce, baked fresh cauliflower, rice and salad.  They loved it!  
For years, I made the mushrooms in butter with worcesterschire sauce...bad for the heart!  Then we found this recipe with balsamic sauce and it's so much better for us.  
BALSAMIC MUSHROOMS:  First off, I always peel the mushrooms, my big sis taught me water as you peel and the skin comes right off.  Then put a scant of oil in skillet, mushrooms and 2 tsp chopped garlic,  simmer, then add 1/2 cup chicken stock, 1/4 tsp. thyme, and 3 Tlbs balsamic vinegar.  Walla, they are delicious!  Pour them on the steak or rice.   

This morning, I made up my mind to get the computer work done that Bob needs for the income taxes.   Then he wanted help checking a double download-again- seems the new credit card/number from the bank caused some confusion.  So we worked till that was back in balance.

Today I thought I should make something sweet; being Valentine's Day.  So in between all the other jobs, I mixed up chocolate cup cakes with peanut butter chips in the middle.  (A friend's suggestion) Then I made icing with peanut butter in the chocolate and let me tell you--it's a sweet treat!  I still have to finish the card I'm making for Bob.  Better late than never.  I used to make a big fuss when the kids were little but not so much anymore.  I even dug out the china.  Ha!  No romance left in me.  

Yeah! Today we have an event.  Something different to do.  Bob had made the arrangements for the camping club to meet at the Red Mill Inn for a luncheon.  It's our equivalent to the Snowbirds lunch in the South, only ours is called the Polar Bear Club.  Think the cold North everyone!  We had 18 people attend.  

We were in a walk thru room but it was quite. The Red Mill is an old place and really looked like it needed a face lift but the food was good and they  had good service.  A little slow bringing out the food but that's alot of people to serve.  We had a good time visiting.  We were back home by five o'clock and could stretch out on the couch and watch the Olympics.  

Next Saturday, we have to get all gussied up in formal wear and go to the Leukemia Diamond Ball in Clarence.  Our daughter and son in law are Chairmen for the event.  Debbie and Rocco are working hard to finalize decorations, pledges and auction items etc.  It will be held at Samuel's Grand Manor.  All proceeds go to Roswell Hospital; they just can't do enough for Roswell for saving Annalynn's life!   
I was up several times last night.  I was hungry.  So I had a few saltine crackers and glass of milk.  Couple hours later, I was still up and still hungry so I made raisin bread-cinnamon toast and a cup of coffee.  Then I slept until 10:30 this morning.  

Betsy cooked eggs for breakfast and yelled at me for not eating my toast, then I had to confess that I had been eating all night.  

I watched the couples doing the Ice Dancing events.  They all looked beautiful.  So much talent.  Then I worked in the craft room on a couple more scrapbook pages.  I'm still trying out the new purchases, hoping to make each page a little different.

Betsy had her Pirus all tore apart putting on new seat covers.  She needed a little help so Bob assisted.  The back seat area looked "totaled" when I checked on them.  


And here it is after supper and posting time.  We have two episodes left of Downton Abbey for this season; I don't want to miss it.

Hope you all have a good week, making memories.  Thanks for clicking in.   Next week marks three years of Blogging!  I'm still grateful to our friend, Bob, who helped me set it up.  It's been fun!  


Sunday, February 9, 2014


Just went by.  I was in bed most of the day.  During the night, the fever must have broke as I woke up just drenched.  My hair was damp and plastered to my head.  What a sorry sight!
I did get up long enough  to clean and put a turkey breast in the oven for supper for the others.  I wasn't hungry.

We slept late because there's no hurry when you don't feel like doing anything.  I did take a shower and washed my hair, that's like a treat.  Feels so good.
I did get dressed and read some magazines.  Chills and fever gone, we are left with the dreaded cough. We are really getting some good rest. 

Bob had a dentist trip so he picked up bread and milk so we aren't out during the next big storm. Everybody across America is weary of these storms; they are all tired of them.  


Okay, Okay, where is Jim Cantori and his Thunder Snow story?  We are getting our share and it looks like it's coming in from the North East which means it is probably a wet snow.  Bob is ignoring it and I hope that doesn't change.  He doesn't need to go out and get cold and wet.

I haven't dressed yet but I have several Valentine card ideas laid out.  I'm using up those old paper scraps.  

Last night I ordered some more tools from Stampin Up; can't wait.  I told Bob that I was making a big order; as there are "big fish" in this catalog.  Meaning I probably spent as much as he does on his fishing escapades.  

About 4 o'clock Betsy came home from work.  She put on her beautiful pink/burgdeny ski suit and went out to snow blow the drive way for us.  Heavens to Betsy, we are glad you did that work for us. 

What a good kid!  Everyone needs a Betsy!
Well, I tried with the cards and nothing is working out.
So I made a tag for a thank you to put on a book bag. Debbie's friend sent me some books and I'm sending some back to her friend.


Folks are in bed here so guess I should be too. Tomorrow the Olympics, yea!  

We hurried off to Bob's annual eye checkup appointment.  He needed a driver for the return trip.   Man it was cold out.  He wasn't feeling good when finished so I brought him home and we had lunch. His stomach is still bothering him.  

I went back out as I needed to return stuff to Michael's  and I had to pick up oatmeal at Wal*Mart. Why, Wal*Mart?  Because it's much cheaper there then at Tops.  I picked up several items; one being bird feed as our supply is behind the shed doors. There is a three foot drift in front of the shed doors and so far it's not melting.

Betsy saw an old fashioned drink that would help reduce our coughing, we needed lemons.  After supper, she cooked the lemon, added honey and told us to drink it.  yak!  Another suggestion was cider vinegar mix and honey, Gram Rindo Orsag drank that daily.

Olympics time.  Bob has his stories on so guess I will head upstairs to another TV.  

Another day that just went by.  We changed the bed and did that washing.  Bob worked on Income Tax.  I putzed around then cuddled on the couch for a nap.

We watched the Opening Ceremony of the  Olympics. Very long!  If you missed hearing the MC, one had to try and figure out what was going on.  I did enjoy seeing all the "Winter White" fashions.  Now on to the good stuff; the events.

I can't remember what went on yesterday!  Senior Moment!  There isn't much happening as events are down to "0", thus no pictures.  We are on the couch most of the time, catching glimpses of the Olympics.
I have put off going for groceries since it's still so cold.  I made goulash yesterday and chicken and biscuit today; anything that Bob can mash to eat.  

So I guess I'll just post and look forward to a better week.  Thanks for clicking in.  Have a good week!


Sunday, February 2, 2014



OH, after I posted the Blog last night, we saw the deer feeding again at the bird feeder next door.  Bob took pictures and of course, he showed me up.  He focused and turned off the flash, fiddled until I thought the deer would leave.   Good job Bob!

Okay, we have had enough of this snow stuff and especially the cold.  We want it to stop!  

Bob ran the snow blower again as it was deep at the end of driveway where the plows drop it.  He said, "Betsy would never get back in with her little sled-ha, Prius."   He also went downtown to the dentist to have another adjustment on his teeth.

Myself, I worked on the computer, in between doing the washing.  I tried to be very careful allocating so Bob wouldn't harp on me.   Okay Bob!

This evening, I spent maybe an hour in the scrap room, laying out decos on two album pages.  I worked in some stamped words and felt very satisfied with myself for having remembered some of the research. I've done ten pages now.

I see on the Batavian ( Internet news) that the Bed Bath and Beyond store is closed due to a fire.  It started in the bedding department and that stuff is stacked to the ceiling.  Five or six fire departments were called.  The fire envoled to the Petco Store next to it so that is closed also.  And, the fire hydrants were froze shut!!!!  I guess they had a heck of a time.  


Minus 2 o this morning!  It's cold!  The blinds are down, curtains pulled, towels at bottom of doors, enough!  Many  schools are closed.  This has to be the crummiest month.  Thank goodness for crafts and computers; I can entertain myself without going out.  

Bob has a doctors appointment in Lockport today.  He is going to ask for a change to his meds;  hopefully get the brands that have zero co-pay with the newly signed up insurance company.  I'm not going in this cold.  Following that, he will drive back to Batavia and stop at the dentist for yet another adjustment.  

When Betsy came home from work, she had the supplies to finish the favors that we have been working on.  After supper I worked on them until I ran out of stick ems and I had seven more favors to do.  


Hump Day! Bob was going out to pick up the new medicines and he offered to take me to Michael's for the glue that I needed to finish the favors.   We had new coupons from Mac Donald's so we had lunch there.  

At Michael's I couldn't find the same type of adhesives so I picked out two other kinds.  I also found some pretty paper sheets.  Bob picked me up at the store door, it had started to blow and it was nasty. 

We drove up along Bed, Bath and Beyond but couldn't see any fire damage outside.  They had a small sign on the door saying closed.  Petco had a huge closed sign that you could see from the parking area.  Coming home was just like a blizzard again.

I finished the favors before supper.  Then I had to start the dreaded supper meal.  Why isn't cooking fun for me?  I'd rather go chop wood.  

It wasn't a very exciting day.  With all the wind, I didn't even see a bird out.  


My two cents: with breakfast I was watching the news and the Weather Channel was defending itself as to the storm warnings given for the Atlanta area.  The mayor there must have wanted the time and location of storm instead of the 3 day warnings.  He said, Atlanta wasn't specifically mentioned.  Wow!  They are going to change things so everyone doesn't hit the road at the same time.  Well, why hasn't that been done even for good weather.  Years ago, we drove the bypass around Atlanta and that wasn't a picnic; cars everywhere.  

And, of course, with the cold weather there is a shortage of propane.  Which like every other chance to double the price of things-propane price doubles.  

I worked in the  craft room today.  I made a card.

I wanted to use my Cricket machine to cut some things out and had all kinds of trouble.  


First the speed and pressure was wrong as it pulled the paper I was using off the pad mid way thru the design.  So I got the manual out. Bob came along to assist. Then I decided I needed to change pads as it wasn't sticky enough to hold the paper.  You wouldn't believe the next problem-I couldn't get the paper off the new pad once finished cutting, it was too sticky, it pulled up hard and tore.  I was frustrated!  After several more tries, it became easier to remove.  I monkeyed around until 3 o'clock and decided to take a break.   I started to read a new Stampin Up catalog and promptly fell asleep. There's always tomorrow!

Bob cleaned the drive way again.  He worked on computer some of the day.  (He was changing allocations Tuesday and screwed up the balance-once again!)

Now at 8:30pm, we noticed the temp has gone up to 29o.  Yea! A heat wave. 

I started a new book this week, written by Nancy Grace-The Lawyer, TV hostess.   It's okay, lots of jumping around of the characters.  The book cover states that she was a victim of crime herself.  No explanation as to what.  Betsy picked it up for me for a dollar. Hardback cover too.


Today's Blog might be all about pampering Bob.  He either had a reaction to the new medicine or he has one heck of a flu bug.  After supper last night, he went into chills, headache  and fever.  He has been coughing.  He called the pharmacy.  So, both Betsy and I said, do not take any more of the new pill until  you can figure out if it's a reaction or a flu bug.  
He slept most of the night, and this morning I greased him up with Vick's.  He loves that stuff.  It stinks!  I even put it on the bottom of his feet as I have heard that it is absorbed quicker there.  He had a hairy!  

I have a couple new Your Tubes to watch, in between checking on him in bed.  

I moved my Stampin Up stamps out of the drawer and put them on the shelf so I could see them better. Then I labeled them with the Dyno machine.

Bob still doesn't feel good.  He wanted me to go out to Office Max for ink.  Betsy wanted to wash her car so she drove.
By the time, we got back home, I wasn't feeling good-chills!  So I guess there's a virus in our house.  I put on my pj's and went back to bed.  

It's 8:30pm and this is the first I have been up. Coughing and chills.  Bob and I both had the flu shot too.  Bob took a shower today so he must feel better.
Betsy came home and she is sick.  So I'm going to post and hope things improve  around here.

Have a good week.  Thanks for clicking in.