Monday, February 21, 2011

Here's another Monday-2.21.2011

Here’s Another Monday! And it’s President’s Day!  The schools, banks, court house, post office etc are all closed. 
Wonder what will make this a good day?   I’ve had my coffee and let the dog out and was greeted with 2” of new fluffy white stuff.   We had 4” – 6” predicted so I am glad we didn’t get that much.  At least we had the melt down last week so there is room to snow blow the new snow.
Okay, I thought I needed a Blog.  What goes in a blog?  It’s challenging to learn new stuff.  Not sure where to go to get out of this.  Oh, I figured out how to do a “re-status post” on facebook this week.  I was so surprised when it worked!  I hope I can do this blog.  This week, Bob figured out how to save a TV program and view it later.  We were watching a movie when Undercover Boss came on last night, so he programed the TV so we can watch Undercover Boss tonight.  Cool for old farts, ahe?  Oh yes, I also put a book (Tom Clancy-Red October) on my Sony e-reader for Bob.  He is having one heck of a time…pages turn when he doesn’t want them to, he gets hung up on the dictionary, etc.  I keep hearing opps!   There is a true learning curve with them. 
Yesterday I worked on some scrapbooking. I’m making a 7” X 7” album for my sister of her new grandson, Owen Lee. I prepared about 8 pages with background paper and some decos.  I want to scrap his first full year and then mail it to my sister as a surprise.  It’s going pretty good, Betsy commented on the pages being pretty.   I e mailed my nephew (William) for more photos at the 3 month stage.  Hope he has time to continue sending some.
I baked a little this past weekend also.  I had to use up some supplies that didn’t get used for Christmas.  I had some toffee chips that I made into cookies.  They came out quite crisp.  But then I had trouble with my oven timer.  I set it for 9 minutes and it went off to quickly, so I reset it.  Then the next tray the timer showed a number 8 before I did anything.  No matter what I PUSHED, I couldn’t correct it.  I called Bob to bring the manual.  He had to unplug the unit and reprogram everything from start to finish.  Then it worked again.  It had a gimp in it’s get along, I guess.

 During the week, Betsy had printed a new recipe using Puff Pastry.  “ALMOND HEART NAPOLEONS”  After going to the store, and getting all the supplies, I was anxious to make it up.  By then Betsy had lost interest.  So I went ahead and baked them while I had the oven going.  I had to get the dough out of freezer and let it sit at room temp for 40 minutes.   Then unroll the dough and cut hearts with a cookie cutter.  I used two different sizes.  They baked good.  Next step is to cut them in half horizontally.  Then make up instant vanilla pudding and put on bottom half of heart.  Then make an icing glaze for the top, decorated with a chocolate stripe.  About half way thru putting the icing on, the chocolate cooled, and it hardened.  So I tried to reheat to melt it.  No luck!  I ended up putting the chocolate into glaze and made a few hearts with all chocolate icing.   They are yummy!  But a lot of fussing so I told my testers that next time we go to Tim Horton’s for a Boston Cream!  Ha!

About two weeks ago Bob and I went shopping for a new birdfeeder.  Due to all the storms and snow, we thought our feathered friends needed help finding food.  We found two nice units, one is a hanging type and the other was for a post mounting.  Bob put a larger piece of wood under the post one so the larger birds could perch too.   We put them in the back yard.  So far, one Cardinal, One Blue Jay and one woodpecker has come which is kinda disappointing, as most of the time we only see the little sparrows.  Maybe it’s too early for the colored birds yet.
Well, today is wash day so best I get my breakfast and get started.  About a week ago, we bought some real good oranges off a truck that came up from Indian River, Fl. which was at Clor’s Meat Market.  I squeeze two oranges a day and the juice is so sweet.
Have a good day! 
Golden Gram 


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