Sunday, August 28, 2011


Wow!  It's cool!  Get out the sweatshirts!  This is not nice!  Temps are dropping to fast for my liking.  Slow day, very tired from the weekend.  I finished the washing and took a nap!  After supper, I worked on the computer-I had at least 100 e-mails to go thru. 
This morning I typed the minutes of our camp out meeting.  My notes were not the best so I needed to get it done before my memory failed me.  It wasn't the most formal meeting as "motions" were forgotten and discussions abounded.  I probably have lots of unnecessary notes. Oh well. 

 After lunch, I went to Michael's to shop for the supplies to make a couple wine bottle lights to donate for the Brown Bag auction at our Region 1 Rally. There was a couple bottles shoved back under the deck that I found.  Bob & Betsy drilled the hole to insert the lights, using a new bit.  It's the one he bought to drill thru the tile in bathroom.  Now this hole is as big as a 50 cent piece which should make putting the electric lights in much easier.  Michael's didn't have everything so I had to go to Jo Ann's Fabric and Dollar Tree.  I still didn't find any purple beads to make purple grapes on the bottles.  So I'm disappointed. 
We just came home from a neighborhood backyard meeting in regards to the planned development in the back field.  Maybe 30-40 people there, not a good representation of the families that live here.
The next Public Meeting at Town Hall is the 20th of September and we wanted to discuss our options.
I'm working on the computer and Bob yells at me  from upstairs-"I can't find my phone, would you call me?"  Okay.  I called and he came downstairs.  "Would you call me again?"  Okay.  He goes in the downstairs bath.  "It's ringing in the toilet!"   Now I can't stand it and I get up to go look.  Sure enough it sounds like it's ringing in the toilet.  I get a little sarcastic, and I joked; good thing it's water proof!  You couldn't see it in the toilet, so I looked behind and all around.  Then I saw a tiny black corner of something under the sink cabinet.  I reached down and sure enough-it was his phone.   It must have dropped in one of his mad rush excursions to use the john.  He is very hard on phones, this is his third in two years. 
We finally decided to drive over to Frost Ridge (Le Roy) to look at our "over flow" site for the music camp out that we were invited to in Sept.   After being satisfied that Bob could balance the coach on the site; the attendant took us for a tour of the land.
On the way home we stopped at Le Roy Motors to look for a different vehicle.  I had my thoughts set on the same car as our friends, the Pitt's.  (Buick-Enclav)  It tows with out alot of "steps to do".  I wanted to see if I could get in and out easily. Well, guess what...that car is too high and no running boards. So that won't do.  A used GMA Envoy was pointed out but it "stunk" like doggie poopie!  No way!   So on the way home I'm looking around, there's hardly a car on the road with running boards.  Where have I been?  Guess this will go on the back burner till we do some research. 

Bob is drying the carpets which are out of the coach.  It was a wet weekend and alot of "gravel" was tracked in so he shampooed them all. 
After supper, I began work on a brochure for the schedule @ the rally.  I think I can do it!  Actually, Bob volunteered to try it and then he disowns having said it.  He doesn't remember saying that...well.   I had most of the typing in it when Betsy came along and took over.  She added graphic features, colored font, and the HR Logo.  That was a big improvement.  Then we printed it-the type moved and the front borders cut out some graphics.  Too tired at that point to fix it, we quit until another time, I have a month to work on it.
Bob has a Dr's appointment in Lockport today.  As he went to shower he discovered there wasn't any hot water.  Oh, brother!  Apparently, the draft in the mud room blew the pilot light out.  That's not good.
Bob lit the pilot and we hung around in our pj's until it heated back up.
I sent Sarah an e-mail to get her car packed and head home before Irene is on her doorstep.
In Lockport, Bob dropped me off to visit with Annalynn while he went to the doctors.  Rocco has his outdoor kitchen finished and it looks beautiful. 

Back home, I made a chocolate cake with cheese cake filling for company coming this weekend.

I made a a quick trip to the grocery store and into Michael's.  Grub & crafts for company.  Then I did a quick dusting job of the house.  Bob's youngest sister, Marj,  and hubby, Rick,  arrived about 3:30pm, from Ohio.  After supper, with Betsy's help,  we made illuminated wine bottles.  Then did nails, girly stuff!



We visited from breakfast until lunch.  We watched the Irene updates.  After lunch we decided to go thru Mom & Dad Rindo's slides in search of Marj & Rick's wedding photos.  They will be celebrating 38 years on Thursday and no wedding photos.  So the half dozen cartons were pulled out of storage and it was a good exercise in cleaning house.  We all agreed to dump the photos we couldn't identify.  We worked in the garage (the refrigerator as our screen) and it soon become too hot!  



Then we went swimming, had wine and cheese and crackers.  I soon became lazy and we all agreed on going out to eat.  So that we did.  Dinner at the casino and a few games and $20.00 bucks was gone so we headed home for dessert.
We headed for the porch for coffee and found a big temperature swimming today.  Chilly!
So back to the garage to go thru more slides. 
Donna called, they had just sent Alex off at the Rochester airport to Chicago-Wright-Patterson A.F. Base in Dayton for his physical. They would stop to say hello.  We had just found the wedding photos when they arrived.  (Yeah!)  A few more trays of slides and then we all had lunch.  Some photos were dark, so Bob e-mailed them to David and he will put them in his program to see if he can improve the image.  David, Donna, Marj & Rick left about 3:15pm. 
Now to finish the Blog and add photos.
Wishing you all a good week.  Thanks for clicking in.  I'm glad all the realitives in south FL., Baltimore area, and NC are safe!

Golden Gram

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Sarah's Visit & Hidden Valley Campout

It's cool this morning.  A good start to the day.  I ate a healthy breakfast, decided on the spareribs for supper and took the package out of the freezer, sorted my washing, have a load going  and plopped in front of the computer.  I read a couple other Blogs and the Batavian (newspaper) on line.  We missed a Mud Racing event that looked real dirty!  Bob went downtown to several places, he needed spark plugs.  Sarah is up and gone!  She is going to see her Dad and he is suppose to get her car inspected; as the inspection ran out in May.  She was lucky not to get a warning/ticket.
I need to print a menu for camping this week.  We will be packing to go to Hidden Valley down near Jamestown.  Chapter 12 is meeting there for the weekend and we haven't seen them since April.  We have had so many other events to attend. 
My girls went to the grocery store for grub for Sarah's pool party tomorrow.  Once they were back home and in the kitchen; I put my book down to help them.  Sarah was making a Taco dip/spread.  Betsy was preparing a pasta salad.  I helped cut green peppers and onions.  They cut up watermelon.  We were just a humming along and it's so much fun to hear what each of Sarah's 21 year old friends are doing now.  The Batavian's have all been here during their growing up years.  A TV special just reported on this age, "the millennium" kids.  They are so smart with technology that they are way ahead of an average person. Supervisors are stymied!  They are being schooled on techniques to do their job of supervision.  Years ago if you had worked in several places it was frowned upon; now that's a requirement.  They want the smartest and most experienced.  The kids want what's in it for me?  If you don't hire me, I'll go somewhere else.  In today's economy, don't you wonder how old that TV show was?

Nice bright morning.   I've had my coffee then started to make another batch of cupcakes.  Today is Sarah's pool party with Batavia friends.  Bob swept the pool and I cleaned the pool steps.  Looking good!  I took a quick dip.  Sarah went in the storage shed for the can game.  She also had a game played with ski poles.  Her friends came about 12:00 and left about 4:30.  They enjoyed the pool and the weather couldn't have been nicer.  The kids loved the taco dip; like they never had it before!    Sarah and GPA cooked the Baco burgers and we served the lunch.  They never heard of putting salt on watermelon; a couple tried it and was surprised.   They mostly wanted to visit, to catch up with goings on of each other.  As Sarah said, "you can't talk at the movies or a concert!" 








After Sarah's friends left, David, Donna and Alex came down to see Sarah for a visit.  We had supper together.  Donna printed the Utica College football schedule so we can make plans for the games and a tailgate party.  Bob and David were downloading photos.   I have three album pages left to fill of the "Ride for Roswell" and I wanted some of David's photos as he was stationed in a different area of the race. 
Cinder: our attitude dog!
Bob, Sarah and I "topped" the evening off by going up to Lickty Splits for ice cream.  I brought some home for Cinder but she wasn't in the mood and wouldn't eat any of it.   There are days when she just doesn't feel good and won't eat.  Guess the pool party was too much for her as she walked around and greeted each guests and walked the pool circumference several times like a "mayor" of the property. 

Another restless night; I woke up about 10:00am to noise!  Men were telling stories-"I love you very much but such and such!"  What to heck is going on?   Is that the TV?  Then pounding.  Man, it's loud!  Getting up and following the noise, I discovered a crew of 6 guys on the roof next door, tearing off the old roof.   What an expense for the new neighbors.  Trimming the trees near the front of the house they discovered the roof had soft spots.  Sure enough it was rotten thru the  plywood and the men could have fallen thru.   


Lunch is done and Sarah has decided to leave for Boston.  Once she decided, it was a quick packing event.  She will  be closing down her apartment and returning home in a week or so.  Then back to Bryant Univ. (Rhode Island) to finish her last year.  Unbelievable.

GMA and GPA all snuggled down in their that's Christmas.  We need to start loading the coach for our take off tomorrow.  Clothes, cosmetics, food and drinks.  We have it down to a science.   Actually, it's not that easy with bad knees, Bob does most of the hauling to the bus.    Bob is putting his feet up..aha ha-nappie time.  I have no idea what to make for supper, all the left overs went to Boston.  Maybe it's spelled-takeouts! 
We left  home about 10:10.  We drove to the corner mall to hook up the car.  When all lights checked out we drove the country way to Jamestown and Hidden Valley campground.  The drive was uneventful; one road wash out and repaving of Rt. 86 which was very rough and treacherous.  We had lunch at a truck station. 

 Arrived at Hidden Valley around 1:30 something.  Bob registered at the office and looked for a site.  While he was talking to a couple from NJ who we had met early this season, 2 more Holiday Rambler rigs pulled in.

It was the Pitt's from Jamestown and their new friends from Rochester.  They each have just purchased new 40'rigs.  We all parked along the creek bank.  Bob took a nap and I read a book.  Pitt's and Taylor's went to the Seneca casino for lunch and games.  After supper, we built a fire and invited the couple from NJ to join us.We had thunder and lighting, a few sprinkles so we went to sit under their awning.  When the threat was gone, we returned to the fire.  We enjoyed the fire till 11:20 when we ran out of wood and decided to go in coach. FRIDAY:
We woke up about 9:20am,  it was very nice out.  So we prepared to go to Frewsburg to visit Aunt Ruth at the Adolescent Home.  She was so surprised.  She looked good and was happy that we came.  She has her room full of her favorite things from her home.  How the help can clean around everything, I don't know. 
We stopped at a grocery store for a few items and bought gas before returning to camp.  During the afternoon the rest of the campers came. 

We had cocktails and then went out for fish fry dinners at the Nic-L-Inn.  It poured going there.  We saw 3 deer on the drive but no bears.


Back at camp, Bob started another campfire.  Everyone shared stories until the wee hours.

6:00am.  We got up early as I had some dishes to prepare for our dinner meal.  We all hurried up to the pavilion about 8:30 am as our hosts cooked a hot breakfast meal with scrambled eggs and sausage, all the trimmings.  Bob Jae said the blessing.  We had 24 people, counting the guests.  The President called a meeting so I took notes as fast as I could-puff, puff!  Now I'll have minutes to type and a newsletter this coming week.

Somewhere around 11:00am, David & Donna came on the motorcycle for a ride.  We introduced them to the couple within the group that have a Harley.  They shared the updates on their bikes.  Craig showed them his semi rig and bike ramp that loads the Harley automatically.  Our David was all eyes!  We had lunch with the kids and they took off for Kinzu Dam.  Bob enjoyed a siesta!  I read a book for awhile.  Cocktails were early because dinner had to be scheduled earlier as someone else needed the pavilion.  

Just before dark most of the campers drove to a place called Heron's which is an illuminated forest in Sherman, NY.  They were gone till 10:30pm.  I finished my book and went to bed.
Following another big breakfast we all retreated to the coaches to start packing up.  Our camp out was over.  
We enjoyed visiting with our friends and getting the latest news.  We are all looking forward to the Reg 1/NY State Rally in September.  Our drive home was uneventful except for rain!  We stopped for fuel at Native Pride in Irving-$3.519.  We are all unloaded and I have the washing sorted and a load going.  That will make tomorrow easier. 

What a great week with lots of memories.  Thanks for clicking in-have a good week,


Sunday, August 14, 2011

Aug. 8th - 14th, 2011


Oh, last night we saw a huge flight of geese!  It seems early for them to be migrating already.  I hope it doesn't mean an early fall as winter is right behind it.  I'm not ready for that yet.

The first thing I want to do today is make cupcakes to bring to our bereaving friends home.   Our previous camping group has agreed to purchase a full meal (Ribs from Alex's) for the family.  Bob and I will pick up and deliver  the meal for 5:20pm.  So cupcakes would be an easy dessert to put out; no plates or silverware needed.  The obituary was on line today so I copied and pasted that into an email to send out. 
I noticed a smelly, moldy scent while doing my wash today.  Don't tell me this rather new wash machine is going to give us trouble with that to contend with.  Little maintenance must be needed.
I mentioned it to Bob and he has the manual pulled out and called the appliance store already.  He could hardly get the folder out of the warranty drawer; I guess I should go thru that and pull the info that we no longer need to make filing easier.  Maybe during the winter.
Our clock quit here in the computer/mud room.  It's driving me crazy!  I keep looking up at the blank wall. 
I thought of two more families to notify that live out of state so I sent them the obit in an e-mail.
Tonight is calling hours for our friend.  I need to get some groceries so I can offer a meal/coffee and dessert to our kids who won't have time to eat before calling hours with working.  Calling hours was 4-7pm, not until 8 or 9 so everyone had to scramble before it was over. 
My Pic Folio Album was delivered today from Creative Memories.  I couldn't wait to see what it looked like so I opened it before leaving to get groceries.  It will work out very nicely.  Once back home and after the coffee clutchers left, I put the photos in and I just have to do a little journaling and I'm done!  I'm thinking that I'll order another album to put our old, old camping photos in and I can get rid of a whole box of the bad type albums.   The photos are turning yellow from the PVC in the plastic sleeves.  Creative Memories is acid free and will not turn the color of photos.  I could work my whole life on photos and never get them all done.
We were up early today to get ready to attend the funeral mass of our friend.  After the ceremony at the cemetery everyone was invited back to the church hall for a luncheon.  Of course, we all ate to much.
Once back home we answered a phone message and made plans to visit campers from Chapter 1 who were camping at Southwoods.  We wanted to see where our site was for the Region 1/NY St. Rally anyway.  We shared the info on the contacts for donations.  We were there probably 2 hours; as we decided to leave a "monsoon" broke loose so they told us to sit back down until the rain let up.  It really poured.  When we did leave, it was still coming down really hard.
Bob took a nap and I finished a book before making supper.  Later Bob pulled weeds in the driveway and gathered the garbage.  I transferred some files to the people that we had visited.
Bob had been to the appliance store for directions on removing the musty smell in the wash machine.  Once it ran a cycle, I washed bedding.  I should clean house tomorrow so I wanted that done. 

Oliver's Candy Store called, they had a basket ready for pick up for our HRRVC Scholarship fund raiser so I went down town to pick that up plus make a bank deposit.  Bob mowed the lawn and it looks real nice; green again.   We went to Miss Batavia for supper and then to Wal-Mart to shop for a new clock. 

I cleaned the upstairs, pillar to post, shower walls and windows.  That pooped the old girl out.  I had to hurry to get outside to the pool before the sun went away.  Only 3 more week left before we close it. 
When I went to type, Blogger was down.  First time that has happened.

I called Eric to see if he was packed/ready to go back to Utica College.  He was already there!  I wished him good luck with all the football practice. 
First thing on the agenda is go for more groceries.  Sarah wants a big Sunday dinner when she gets home tomorrow!   So I went to BJ's and Tops.  I picked up an eggplant and when I weighed it the costs was near $5.00;  oh no I'll go to the Farmers Market on Tuesday. Wow, one eggplant! 
My new neighbor lady was sitting outside when I drove in the yard so I wanted to go introduce myself.  Betsy put the groceries away.   Bob was over there helping to trim the pine tree limbs. 



The guys quite as it was so hot, enough for one day.  I raked a cart full.  Bob and I went swimming to cool off.  After a quick supper, we went to the movies to see "THE HELP".  It was good but again I had trouble hearing all the words, good thing I had read the book.   It just isn't like watching movies at home.  We had Dairy Queen after.  Now, little Sarah can laugh to think Grandpa and I had a date night.


Debbie sent some pictures of Rocco's out door kitchen.  He is doing a beautiful job as expected.

 The cupboards look much better, I'm glad they painted over the orange color. 

Well, time for lunch.  It's raining with big thunders!  Everyone take it easy and have a great week.  We'll see what we can get into this coming week.  Some times, we are a threat to our kids who think us old farts  are challenging.

Golden Gram

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Aug. 1st

This is a nice breezy morning!  The first morning I haven't turned on all the air units in some time.  The weather man said, "it's been the hottest July in 144 years!"   I love it as long as I can stay home by the pool, otherwise it's unbearable.


Talking about bears; another one was sighted at the fair grounds which is directly south of our house.  (2 miles-give or take)  Bob noticed the hunting store had a sign that Bear spray was available.  The Parks Canada (Baniff National Park & Lake Minnewanda Trail)  has mandated till 9/15 that hikers travel in 4's and at least one of those  persons should be carrying a bear spray.  Non-compliance is a maxium fine of $25,000.00.  Bear spray contains 1% oleorisin capsicum derived from cayenne pepper.  Choose a weight of 225 grams and a spray range of 5 meters.  No permanent damage to bears or humans.  A friend from Varysburg had their bird feeder smashed to pieces recently, could be a bear as one was reported sighted in that area too.   I'd think in this heat the bears would be headed for the mountains.  A Bear went over the mountain, A bear went over the mountains to see what he could see. (Old Girl Scout Song)

Reading my e-mails; it's confirmed that our (along with all of western NY locations, Conn. & NJ.)   HSBC BANK has sold out!  The FIRST NIAGARA BANK has purchased the business.  HSBC wants to serve a larger INTERNATIONAL community.  Even thou their head quarters are in London we always thought HSBC stood for Hong Kong,Singapore ????  Like all mergers, they are saying that nothing will change but time will tell if we are facing many changes with our banking.  It's upsetting and I'll probably stew all day about it as HSBC has been our bank since we moved to Batavia in 1968!

Another beautiful day, a little breezy.  The morning didn't last long since I didn't get up till late.  Betsy drove our car to work this morning as her's was in for service again.   Nothing immediate on the agenda so I putzed all day.  I folded clothes to put away.  I fixed a birthday gift and card for Thursday night.  I made out some thank you cards.  I fixed a blouse that didn't wear right; I actually got out the sewing machine.  I made supper and then baked brownies. 
Bob has been polishing the motor home.  He is still on the first side!  He is fussy!  After dark, he helped me to find photos for developing.  I have ordered a Pic Folio Album that I can just slide the photos in without actually scrap booking them.
And here it is-time for bed.  Guess I'll go have some brownies and then start a new book.

This morning we were going to continue selecting photos for developing; they were all gone!  The whole download!  Rats!  We thought we knew what we were doing when we signed off last night. 
So we blew that off until we have more time.  I had to be at Orthopaedic Surgeon's by 11:00am. 
I dressed and gathered my x-rays and off we went.  After 2 1/2 hours the outcome is Osteoarthuritis in both knees.  The cartilage is gone and it's bone on bone with spurs yet.  A shot of cortisone in each knee and good wishes and we were out of there.  I liked the doctor, he was American, very friendly, very thorough.  I'm to call if it doesn't help. 
We had a late lunch and I put ice on my knees as recommended.  What better excuse to read a book!
Super was easy with goulash, salad and Italian bread.  Then gather the garbage to put out.
Guess I'll check out the web site on Osteoarthuritis which they mentioned.
We went back to the photo job.  I selected 133 prints from the Ride For Roswell event and sent them off to Wal*Mart.

I updated some computer work.  Man, there's always something to do on the computer.  Bob went downtown to the bank and Wal*Mart to pick up a few items plus the photos. 

My friend Mo was picking me up at 3:30pm to go to a birthday dinner for another friend.  Mo just filed for Social Security and I gave her the business about her age like she did me when I registered for it.  She told us all that the SS interview was conducted over the telephone.  I couldn't believe that.  They can acquire all the identification documentation on line.   She was pretty sure the call was legit because they mentioned her appointment for the next day and the time of it.

We still try to get together at least for birthdays.  Our older friend, Gen, was quite confused within her conversation and she was quite upset about it and mentioned it several times.   The conversation came around to my knees; and Diane told us all that research with chicken combs (the red parts) is being done to make the shots for osteoarthritis.  CHICKEN FAT!  I don't care as long as it helps.  My knees are much better today and I had a much improved nights sleep. 
While I was out to dinner, the girls from Lockport came down to meet Betsy and they were all driving to Boston to see Sarah and go wedding dress shopping.  They drove all night and arrived @ their accommodations at 3 in the morning!  Ah, to be young again. Christianna has a friend living there who she wants to invite to be a bridesmaid.  She met Julie @ Disney when she exchanged a semester from NU for a work program. 

I wanted to clean off the dinning room table.  A couple nights ago, I had put the painting supplies out to finish my hand painted wine glasses.  I still had one glass and a few other details to finish.  Now I have that done and the glasses are in the oven at 200o for a 1/2 hour.  The painting is kinda juvenile but I like them. 
When I called Betsy to reconfirm the baking time; she asked if I had a call from Sarah yet.  I said, "No, why?"  Apparently, Sarah was signing a 2 year contract for work at Deloitte Accounting firm.  She was offered a job when she finishes her next year at college. They will pay for her CPA EXAM TOO!  Good news!  This is her last week working as an interm there.  She will be coming home next weekend for 3 days.  The 10 weeks went by fast.

In the evening, we went to the VA Nursing Home to see our friend who had been transferred back to Batavia from the Rochester hospital. 


We left home about 9:00am to drive to Clarence Center to watch a Fast Pitch Softball game that my niece's daughter, Erika, was playing in.  It is a travel team and they are from PA.  When we arrived at the Memorial Park there was so many teams playing we didn't know which way to go.  Just a lucky turn, parking and we were right across from the field they were at.  Bob was walking to the hut for a program and information and my niece's husband called him.  We enjoyed the game.  We had never seen Fast Pitch and those girls really wind up.    Erika's team won.  This was play offs and they had two more games to play, but we headed home to let the dog out! 



 While at the game, I had a phone call that a very good neighbor and friend had passed away.  Once back in town we stopped to pay our respects and offered to call all the neighbors. 


The bikers (David, Donna, Eric, and cousin Russ)  called and wanted some where to ride so they came over and we all enjoyed a nice visit with pizza & wings for dinner.  Alex was on his way home from RIT so he stopped to visit too.   After they left, it was still muggy so we went in the pool to cool off.  There was a few sprinkles during the day and that was it.  We still need more rain. 


The girls were coming home today from Boston so I hurried up and cooked some macaroni salad and a chocolate cake for supper.   I got out some sausages and hots for sandwiches.  It's about an 8 hour ride.  I called them to see if they were in NY State yet, and to tell them I had the meal ready.  
They got here about 3:15pm and they weren't hungry as they just had McDonald's before I called them. Figures!  I guess the T train was quite an experience for them.  We had a short visit before they left for Lockport as they were all exhausted.


8:00pm:  We are having strong winds and thunder, maybe it will rain yet today.  I guess I'll post this and shut down the computer.   Have a good week everyone.

Golden Gram