Thursday, June 27, 2013


This is one of the last pictures that I have taken of Cinder.   She passed away in Betsy's arms on Tuesday night.  It was so sudden.  Betsy took her outside to tinkle and a friend of Betsy's stopped on a bicycle to visit.  Cinder went into a full blown barking spree-guarding her property.  When they returned back inside, Betsy was carrying Cinder and she started to throw up.   I had supper ready and Betsy refused to put her down.  Cinder's heart was pounding.  Betsy held her and she just stopped breathing at 6:20pm.   She had been throwing up all day.   She wouldn't eat. 

She was a trooper.  When we returned from our Ohio visit; Cinder had developed another tumor on her left leg about the size of a lemon.  (same leg that the removed tumor was on)   Saturday morning of this last week, this new tumor broke open.  Betsy rushed her to the vets.  They aspirated it and gave Betsy an antibiotic for Cinder. She wore these hanky bandages since then. 

Cinder's hanky  bandage.

She has suffered for so long.  It's been a long time since she had the health to jump up on a chair as she usually did. 

Anyone and all who have lost pets, know how hard it is.  I miss her terrible.  I woke up from sleep last night and saw her at the sliding glass door, begging to come in. 

This writing is helping me to heal.  We have a busy weekend ahead and I hope it goes well but I'm not sure I will be in a Blogging mood on Sunday.    So may Cinderella rest in peace.  I hope she is jumping and playing like a young puppy in doggie heaven.  She was a gentle, loving pet that we enjoyed for 12 happy years.   


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