Monday, July 1, 2013


Well, I've heard it from two sources!  Our most cherished scrapbooking company, CREATIVE MEMORIES,  is going thru bankruptcy again.  In my opinion, Creative Memories had the best products on the market. 

They have laid off 90 employees already, and intend to include 160 more.   On their web site, many albums are gone but they will take any order and fill it for the last "CHANCE ORDER". 

The alert to all of us who use the products is the changes.  They only intend to keep the DIGITAL PRODUCTS and the PIC FOLIO ALBUMS.  Everything else will go; albums,tools, paper, pages, protectors, stickers, glue guns, etc.

Everyone needs to go thru their own stock and see if you/we have enough pages and protectors to fill the albums we have on hand.  If you don't order now, the albums may as well go in the trash, because  I'm not sure there are pages and protectors on the market that will fit our CM books. 

With this news, I'm told that E-BAY is price gouging with listings of  CM products, but I haven't looked myself yet.  

There are so many places to make albums by DIGITAL means that I'm surprised that competition hasn't made them reconsider keeping the digital.

The PIC FOLIO ALBUMS are the ones that you slide the photos into pocket slots.  They are quick and easy.  You can write memories on paper and put on stickers to enhance.   I have done about 7 of these albums with photos to protect them and get them out of the old non acid free books. 

Having been a Consultant of CM myself for 6 some years in the past; I just felt compelled to put this out their for all my scrapers!  One of my sources says this has happened because of their greed! 

Check out their web site!


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