Sunday, June 23, 2013


MONDAY:We have been busy playing "catch up" after being away at the Good Sam rally.   We unloaded stuff from the camper and cleaned it again.  Our main goal this week will be getting ready to go to the Ride for Roswell. 
We had to take care of some bill paying and check book reconciliation for all the accounts.  I had some flowers to plant before they died. 

WEDNESDAY:  The days are flying by.  Middle of June and it hasn't been warm enough to swim.  Well, maybe a couple muggy days.  Bob spent most of today with the men who installed a new pool heater.   The old one bit the dust, it had a big rusted out bottom.  We have only had one burner that worked the last couple years.  Always something to replace at this old house.



THURSDAY:  Ride Em & Fix Em!

We spent the morning packing and checking to see if we thought of every thing we would need for the weekend camping at Roswell.  About 3:00 pm we started up the coach. 

Backing out of driveway, I directed Bob over further on the yard and he felt a "tilt" and thought he was in the ditch.  He went ballistic on me!  Well, he is always to close to the mailbox; or so I thought.  He pulled ahead and corrected. 

Driving along on the thruway, the coach got very warm.  I mentioned it to Bob and he saw that the generator had quit.
Well, that's funny, he says.  No immediate problem we continued on our journey.  Once parked at University of Buffalo, Bob investigated.  He pulled the generator out, checked it out.  No Oil!
All gone!  Then Bob discovered that the drain plug was missing.  All the oil ran out and undercoated the bottom of the coach.  Lucky we didn't have a fire.  Anyway, Bob picked up his phone, hit Safari button, typed in Onen (name of generator) and then it asked for our zip code.  He found that on some Roswell papers.  And, up came a dealer and phone number for Buffalo.  Bob read the serial number and model to the tech.  Bob said, "That's one smart phone!" 

Zak arrived within the hour and had the part and oil to refill the tank.  He came in his white, long sleeved shirt!  He crawled under the bus and replaced the plug then he filled the tank.  It started right up.  No harm done. 

 I asked if I could take photos for my Blog.  We asked what we owed him.  Nothing!  Come on we owe for the service call, part and oil.  Nothing!  I said at least take some money for ice cream.  No way he said we were there for a good cause and he appreciated it.  He said, send me a copy of the Blog as he handed me his business card.  Isn't it nice to know there are still wonderful people in this world. 

During that time, three different people had asked us to move to the RV parking lot which was new for this year.  We were already set up for the weekend.  Gee, we really hated to give up the tree area.   But we did and we were much closer to events.

Bob went over to one of the buildings to get our registration packets and the photographer vests. 
Annalynn came by to get her packet.  She had lunch with us and then went on to Rochester to meet Mark and go look at some apartments. 


The Team started showing up all evening.  We all went to the stadium for opening ceremonies.  Dave Dravecky, major league baseball star and cancer survivor was the inspiration speaker.  He had cancer in his arm which was amputated.  The evening entertainment was LeAnn Rimes.  She is billed as a country star but it's the new country.  No twang!  Very loud! 



We all left during the performance and most went for sandwiches and ice cream. 
Bob and I stayed at the coach and I made a big Root Beer float which we couldn't finish.
Bob says to me, "can you hear the alarm?"  The loud speaker was on and someone was yelling "Good Morning America!"   How are all you Bikers?   Our neighbor was out and ready to roll on the 104 mile trek which started at 6:30am.


45 mile route Start time was 7:am  250 riders
20 mile route started at 7:30 am  Early route
30 mile route start time was 7:00am 750 riders
30 mile route start time was 9:00 am 750 riders
62.5 mile route start time was 8:00am 850 riders
20 mile late route starts at 9:00am  
8 mile route start time was 10:00 am  850 riders
3 mile route start time was 10:30 am 300 riders

Most of the team was here by 8:00am,  We were up by the starting gates.  My nephew, Larry, from Cleveland started the 30 mile early run.


 Captain Debbie starts them off.




Pictures not going in right.  Anyway, everyone made it to the Finish line very proud of themselves. 

It was announced that 8000 riders had participated and they made 3 million 8 hundred dollars.  100 thousand more than last year.

Clean the motor home, bring in the left over food and relax!  The pool was at 82 degrees so we jumped in. 
Now it's get ready for the heat wave coming our way.  We had a good week hope you all did too.  Thanks for clicking in.



  1. A little opps on the last oil change, so glad there was no damage.

  2. Glad I could get you back up and running. Drop me a line next year and hopefully I'll be back on my bike. Thanks -Zac
