Sunday, September 21, 2014


We are still packing for our trip to West Virginia.  I'll have everything that I own if we don't leave soon.  Just kidding.   We made a trip to grocery store again for the perishables.  All going good but it's tiring.
Betsy called us before leaving for work.  Again, I was up half the night unable to sleep so I'm dead to the world when she called me.   We left home around 9:30 and headed up to the college parking lot to hook up the car.  The back right tail light on the car didn't work.  Bob pushed on the cord to the motor home and it worked.  Apparently, I didn't push it in the outlet far enough.  We tested all the lights and they were all working fine.  Then I stood by when he pulls ahead to make sure the wheels go around and the hitch levers pop.  I noticed a puddle under the motor home.  It had rained this morning, so I wondered.  I watched and saw a drip, drip, drip.  Trouble in River City.   Well, maybe it's from the air conditioner...what ever possessed me to check it out, I'll never know.  A fluke!  I told Bob to drive ahead, then come to back of coach.  He did, he touched the puddle with his fingers to smell the liquid.  And, he is smelling, and smelling!  Okay Bob what is it?  I reached down and did the same, it's gas.  He drove to Boyle's Motors and had a mechanic check it out.  I went back to sit in the car and the Brake Buddy is working.  What to heck?  Bob is in garage with the men.   When he comes out, I tell him.    He is not concerned.  He's still thinking about the MH.  It's a transfer pump of some kind leaking.   They will call for the part.  So we take the car and head to McDonald's.

At home Bob tested the Brake Buddy.  It's not holding air...leak somewhere.  He took the Brake Buddy all apart and couldn't find anything broken or leaking.   So he says, we go without it.  I really think he is trying to kill me!  Drive the mountains without the Brake Buddy to stop the car.   I taint going!!!!!  He is now on the phone trying to beg, borrow or steal one.  He wants a discount like he can get at the rally.  Lots of luck sweetie.  I think we should take the car and go.
The garage called the motor home was ready about 5:30.  Our evening was full of discussion- to and fro.


While in Oklahoma for GS Alex's graduation, Bob bought these sunflower seeds.  There was six seeds in a pack for $2.00.  I asked to take this pic just to relieve some tension and for fun.  
Again this morning Bob was on the phone trying to locate a brake buddy to buy.  He had decided that we have to much already invested, not to take the car and motor home.  I agree, we would be miserable without a car.  The only one  that he could locate was at Colton RV in Tonawanda and he didn't want to drive there but they did not have a driver to deliver it to their other location which would have been an easier drive for us.  So I drove the car and followed behind the motor home.  Everything takes time, it's now noon.  Bob went in to purchase the thing and I made sandwiches.  Boy, that place is busy, tight corners, trailors and motor homes being moved this way and that, had to worry about being side swiped.  It took a while to hook the new one up, what with reading directions and all.  Before leaving we ate our sandwiches.
We drove to Irving Indian Resevation to buy gas.  After fill up, Bob went back and felt the wheels, brakes or what ever men do to make sure the wheels weren't hot.  Then  he checked the Brake Buddy.  Okay, we are driving again and noticed the Brake Buddy readout on the dash has a different number and it's a flashing!!!!  Now he's yelling at me, get the instruction book, turn to the error messages and see what it means.  Yes sir!  Woo hoo,  it takes a lot to get Bob nervous and I guess this one more thing did it.

The instruction book said to reset the whole contraption.  So we had to exit at Dunkirk and find parking and Bob went back and went thru the set up again.  That worked and we went back on the road.

We arrived at Grove City/Mercer KOA about 5:30.  Our first assigned site didn't work out as we couldn't open the slides without hitting the posts for electric.  Off to another.  It wasn't level.  We had the air bags emptied, slides out, and jacks down and couldn't balance.  We had to move the coach either forward or backward.  Oakie Doakie, fill up the air bags, pull up the jacks, put in the slides, and move.  RV having fun yet? 
Boy, I need another coffee.  I slept so hard last night.  Bob had the heat pump going and I couldn't stand the noise so I shut the hall door and shut out some of it.   I'd dare not to complain.  

What's the plan?  We have about a 200 mile run today to the next stop so we didn't hurry getting ready to leave.  It was nice weather making a good driving day.

Some hills were worse than others, actually it was mountains once past Pittsburgh.  We arrived at Flatwoods KOA about 4:30pm, ready to relax. 
While Bob was registering, the Brake Buddy indicator started beeping.  What?  Not again.  The short verison of a long story is the car battery was dead.  Bob called AAA. 


After supper we went over the maps for tomorrow.  The locals here advised us to take a different route than AAA had planned for us.  Too many grades and switchbacks, we were told. 

Our friend, RJae sent copies of mountain info to help us.  He and his wife are vacationing in Maine.  They just toured Arcadia National Park.

I need to read a little to relax.

Last night we were getting anxious to end this drive and we decided to set the alarms and get up early and do it!  We got up at seven and was on the road by 8:30.  We no more than reached the bottom  of the camp ground hill and the Brake Buddy indicator was flashing again.   So Bob pulled over and went back and reset it.  Apparently, if he keeps his foot on the brake too long, it will flash.

It had been foggy in the camp ground and we worried the road would be but it cleared up quickly.   Then Bob pulls over again; he couldn’t remember if he put the car transmission in neutral.  He hadn’t, so good thing we hadn’t  gone far.

The roads are really good here, no pot holes like at home.   It wasn’t long and we reached our first (today) 6% down hill grade.   Mother Nature has her beauty but she is also powerful!  She has tamed Bob’s driving.  He is now driving with the conditions!  He used the Jake Brake all the way today.  No more down the hills at 65 miles an hour like he shot out of Pittsburgh.  At that time, the coach was just a rocking….I was so uncomfortable, scared, that I let loose with a few choice words!  
Once we reached Route 64 it wasn’t long and we reached the 7% down hill grade that our friend RJae sent us info on last night.  SPEED LIMIT 45 miles per hour posted.  Bob used the Jake Brake and he down shifted the gears and we crawled.  Hoa, Hoa!   

There was two truck run away places, glad we didn’t need them.   33,000 pounds plus 2600 for the car takes good braking! 
We made it to the fair grounds about noon.  Volunteers were every where directing us to parking.  We are jam packed in rows.  We had lunch then we took a much deserved nap.  After supper our friends came over to visit.  We spotted their RV up on the hill. 


We were just finishing breakfast when our friends  Joni and Scott came over.  He is the Director of Region 1 and she is the President of our Chapter 12 at home.  They had called to see if we had the printer with us as they needed a couple signs printed.  They are hosting a Pizza Party on Wednesday which they wanted signs printed for Region 1 attendees.  They also wanted a sign printed of the 2015 Region 1 Rally back in New York to post at the buildings.  Joni also needed a work scheduled printed and e –mailed.  We were happy to help them however, Bob had all kinds of problems—computers are great when they work.
After lunch we went downtown Lewisburg for a Wal Mart store as our sewer hose had split at the last campout and the vendors here hadn’t arrived yet.  We picked up a few groceries too. 


Then we stopped at a bakery that two young men had just opened.  Bob picked out several treats and I wanted a loaf of good bread. 

That wasn’t all…I had spotted a Dairy Queen on the way in so I announced that it wasn’t a vacation until we had some DQ.  Of course, it delayed supper time.  

While we had the car out, Bob packed the charity basket items we had received from other Chapter’s at home and delivered those to Joni’s coach up on Director’s Row. 
Bob was up first.  He commented that there was a heavy fog.  He said the lamp lights were just little glowing spots.  It was cool in the coach but not uncomfortable.   I was up early and had coffee then went back to bed to keep warm. 
After I did get up, I made French Toast and there was a knock on the door.  The company that Bob had called yesterday to wash the roof of coach had arrived.  They had told him they would come on Monday.   All the commotion!  People were standing around and watching, some signing up for the service too.


Bob had been sitting around this morning, kinda looked like he didn’t have a thing planned.  He mentioned that he figured out how to drive the car over to fair grounds.  The fair grounds is  all split up with the highway going thru it.    There is a walking bridge to get across.  So far we hitched rides with the golf cart volunteers.  You should see that bridge.  Hoa, Hoa!  

Bob has the new sewer hose all hooked up and has told me that I can use the washer and dryer.  It’s best to keep the loads small so they dry with less wrinkles.   So I’ll do that today.  I can’t decide if I want to start the sewing project or just sit here and wait to see if we can get the Buffalo game on our TV.   

We drove over to the fair grounds and used their internet.  Also took my charity basket to put on the raffle table.  Guess I’ll try to remember to check messages every time that we go over so we don’t have to use Hot Spot so often.  Tomorrow starts the action; starting at 7:30 a.m. with hospitality.   I checked out the crafts and wasn’t interested in any so I’m glad I brought my quilt making.   Our friends, Bob & Carole from Ransonville, N.Y. were just arriving. 

We couldn’t get the Buffalo Bills on our TV so Bob watched other teams.  We picked up the score in between the scrolling.  Sorry Bill’s fans. 
Betsy’s Homemade spaghetti sauce was on for supper..mmm so good.  I didn’t have a pot big enough to cook the noodles in so I used the electric skillet.  It worked pretty good.  Kinda weird.
Okay, now to cut and paste, and add photos.  I want to be done to watch the Pittsburgh game.

Have a good week everyone and thanks for clicking in.






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