Sunday, June 12, 2011


What a beautiful day!  Not much wind, and temp at 77o.   I hung all my hand washing outside to dry. 
My sister left for Pennsylvania about 9:15am.   We helped to load her car and make sure she had her ice chest with water.  We had a very nice visit.

Bob spent the morning calling for the motor home windshield motor.  He also had calls to make on the refrigerator in motor home as all of a sudden it shows up with a red light.   All contacts think it's a faulty recall part.  So Bob re-wired it back to the original format. It will take 2 weeks to get a new part. This is the second recall fixture going bad, hope they get it together soon!

 I read e mails, printed a menu for our trip, paid a few bills, and put the washing thru.   Later Betsy called, she had heard from K-Mart, the high table was delivered today.  I can't believe it!  After Betsy came home from work, we went to K-Mart to pick it up.  Betsy was going to insist on the sale price from May but she didn't need too as the manager had taken care of that and gave us a gift card for $25.00 for all our inconvenience driving to different stores and then waiting for delivery.  It is now assembled and it looks great on the pool patio.  The manager, Chris Chase, mentioned that he went to school with our son David.  I wonder if Dave remembers him?

New high table for pool patio.
TUESDAY:Busy day,  going for groceries and packing clothes in the motor home. 
We left home about 9:35 and drove up to the college to hook up the car.  Once the hitch and all lights were checked, we started off for Lake George and the Americade.  (Biker Rally)  
Shortly after passing the Victor intersection we saw a State Trooper trying to change a tire on his car.  Then the CB’ers started talking; “that cop  wouldn’t be chasing anyone for a while!”  Much later in our drive the CB let out a big long, loud screech.  We were scared and stunned as to what was happening; wondering what part was falling apart now.  Then Bob realized it was the CB.  We were already upset that Gypsy (GPS) wasn’t working right.  She kept telling us directions to turn around and go to Rochester.  Garbage in-garbage out!
By 2:30pm it was so hot in the coach that I asked Bob to turn the generator on so we could run the coach air conditioner.  It was 96o outside.  Another clue, I had noticed Bob starting to push his hair back on his head; it’s time for more cool air!  (Maybe that’s why he is so bald.) All the farm animals along the way were seeking shelter in what ever shade they could find. 
We had six construction areas; many were cross over lanes to fix bridges.  The one near Utica was between two exits, for 17 miles.  The most confusing was the “round about”on Route 87.  (Known in NJ as a jug handle)  It was a double circle with double lanes, we felt like drivers were coming at us from all sides. 

Site 420 Beautiful camp ground.

We arrived at Lake George RV Park about 4:00pm.   I made my call home to say we had arrived safely while Bob went in the camp office to register.  We found our site and proceeded to set up.  The tow car has to be removed first and it wouldn’t start!  What a Bummer!  We called AAA and they were very good about getting help to us within an hour.  They used jumpers and it started right up.  The serviceman said to let it run for a half hour.  So I prepared supper.  After dinner, we drove around the campground, looking at all the big rigs, motorcycles and tow trailers.  The campers that have a large back door which becomes a ramp to drive motorcycles up and in are known as Toy Boxes.   There are several here.   A big dark storm came up with thunder and lightening so we returned to the coach. 
Up at 7:00am, all excited to get going.  I made bacon and eggs for breakfast which is probably the second time since we have owned the coach.  Bob went out to try the car-it wouldn’t start.  Click, click, and click! 
Luckily, he found a pair of jumper cables in coach storage and he wanted to charge the car but it was to far away.  So he snagged a couple guys coming from the shower hall to help him push it close to camper.  The guys thought we had a bad cell in the battery.  They questioned if we had used a Brake Buddy which would have drained the battery.  Of course we do use one.  After the charge, off to Wal-Mart we went.  I had looked up the age of battery in Quicken to find out that we had purchased it in 2005.  It had out lived it’s warranty period by a long ways.  After the battery was installed and shopping at Wal-Mart we stopped in a bakery that was out of this world!  I knew that we would return there a couple times.  They had 16 bakers!  We really enjoyed their fresh baked cinnamon buns.


It was hot again by the time we drove to the Holiday Inn to pick up our boat cruise dinner tickets.  There we were told that we needed the wrist band to board the boat and they did not want to give us our tickets because we were registered under David and Donna’s name.   You guessed it, Bob continued to talk, talk and talked  them down and he got the tickets and the wrists bands. 

Parking field for bikers (it was so big it took 2 shots to get it all.)

 Later we drove by the lake and exhibit area.  There were thousands of bikes in the parking field.  Thousands!  Just like bees, coming and going!  What a sight to see.  (Then another rain storm)


Donna called about 3:25pm and told us they all (six of them-dubbed the 6-pack) were at the Holiday Inn picking up their packets.  They had a safe trip with rain so they were soaked.  We would meet them at the boat dock at 6:00pm. 

Fire Dancer

We took the shuttle downtown because there weren’t parking spaces anywhere-so many bikers.  The boat cruise was fun, dinner was fair, and entertainment was a great Hawaiian band that
included Hula dancers and a fire baton dancer.  And, again rain!  So when the boat docked we shuttled back to camp.  The 6- Pack went to see the bikes with lights parade.

We headed off to the bakery for breakfast!  We had bacon, eggs, pancakes and home fries!  Then we bought some more cinnamon buns!  They are delicious.

Returning we stopped at Boss Hoss vendor display and checked out some bikes and trikes.  I wanted a ride but I’m too cheap to pay the $50.00 per person per ride.  The rest of the day we drove around the lake taking photos and stopped at different vendors on way back to camper. 

 After vendors, the 6-pack drove up the Prospect Mountain trail for the view of the area.  

We joined the 6-pack at 5:00pm for wine at their lodge and later went to a German restaurant for dinner.  What a treat to have potato pancakes.  After we returned to the coach to watch the bikers come and go while they (6-pack) went on to the fireworks display.  (I have seen so many fireworks, not interested)


At 6:00am, I woke up to hear a hard rain hitting the roof of coach.  Not another day of rain!  Bikers were leaving the campground already.  We had our back to basic oatmeal breakfast.  The 6-pack had appointments at vendors for installing their purchases on their bikes so we went to the malls and outlet stores.   We wanted to do some fishing while here, Bob bought our licenses and packed all the rods-darn rain.   We did drive around Lake Glen.  It’s just been to exciting here, Bob has over 300 photos already.
Back at the coach, I’m typing my Blogger while Bob is taking a nappie!  I have to get up and fix a cheese tray as the 6-pack is coming to the coach for 4:00pm cocktails.   We have dinner reservations at the Log Jam Restaurant tonight which is just around the corner from this campground.  I’m staying up until 12:00am tonight to see if I get a call about winning the bike raffle.  David said, “Donna will drive it home if we are winners!”  
On The Road Again! 9:40am.  Cloudy, Cool, Damp.  Time to head home.   As usual, the time passes much to quickly.  When we left this morning, wearing jeans, I wondered if I should have set out shorts if it should get warm but so far it's a cool ride and I'm covered up with my Steeler's blanket.  We passed two flood control thingies on the Mohawk River that are spilling over their tops.  Good thing the motor for the windshield wipers came in before we left so Bob had time to install them.  They are very much in demand today.
Well, no phone calls last night, guess we are not the winners of the bike raffle.  We stopped at Turning Stone Casino area to fill up the gas tank-$4.09 for diesel at "Save On Diesel" station.  The 6-pack called, they are one exit ahead of us.  We arrived home at 4:00pm.  The fun is over.  We will be unpacking, cleaning the coach, and repacking to prepare to take off for the LLS-RELAY FOR LIFE  in Lockport starting Friday night. (Team Annalynn to walk the track all night)

We have had a great week, it's always fun making memories. 

Have a great week everyone.  Thanks for clicking in!

Golden Gram

1 comment:

  1. Gram the campsite you had looks absolutely beautiful!!!! I'm glad you had a great time! See you this weekend!
