Sunday, July 3, 2011

4th of July weekend!

I wonder if it will be a blah week after all the excitement of attending Ride For Roswell. 
I worked on the computer all day Monday getting out the camping newsletter; along with doing the washing.
Bob had agreed to refurbish a sign for the company that Betsy works for and the men delivered it today.  It's an outdoor sign and it is huge!

This sign needs fixing!
Bob fixing a sign for Inland Vacuum.

After checking the newsletter for typos, we sent it to the Web Master for posting and prepared the snail mail.  I dropped the envelopes off on my way to the Dr's for my annual physical.  Now I have to follow thru with all the directions: blood work to check cholesterol, Bone Density test, Mammogram, and exray of my knees. 
Borg Ide Imaging called; they had cancellations and wanted me to come in today rather than tomorrow if I received the message.  So off we went to Rochester and had the knees exrayed. Old age is not for Sissy's!  They couldn't work the rest of my tests in so I have to call for appointments for a Mammogram and Bone Density tests.  I had a $10.00 coupon for Penney's so after we went there.  They have big sales this weekend.  I needed a Bridal Shower gift so we went to  Bed & Bath to shop too. 

We had hair cut appointments today.  After we stopped at Camping World to see if they had our brochures, bags and what ever donations  ready for pickup for the Region 1/New York State Rally.  The manager was in a meeting.  That will be another call back. 

New sealer.  We can't drive on it for 2 days.
 We came home for lunch and our driveway was all sealed with black top sealer.  One of our neighbor's is a school teacher and he runs the black top sealer business in the summer; he tracks the year when we need it done and calls us.   We had a couple other errands in town so we stopped at Oliver's Candies, and Batavia Downs for donations.  Both gave us promises.   While at Oliver's; I purchased a big bag of hard candy to send out for the New York State HRRVC Scholarship  Basket.  The 47th Holiday Rambler International Rally is in DuQuion, Ill., in a couple weeks, and every State will have a basket to raffle for the fund. 
We spent most of the day outside.  I pulled weeds and watered my plants, in between dips in the pool. 

Black Bear in our area.  Photo posted by "Batavian News"  personnel.
 In the evening as I was reading the news there was an interesting article in the Batavian.  A black bear was photographed at Sloat's Tire Shop which is a little less than a mile down the road from us.  It was also photographed at Genesee Community College.  Now that's a surprise.  Sightings has been announced on TV in Rochester and Buffalo.  Must be the bear population is on the increase or they are moving for food. 
Early this morning, an email came in from Christianna, stating that Mr. Bill Bundrock had passed away in the early morning.  He was just honored at a "Believe In Bill" dinner and he participated in  Relay for Life in Lockport.  We were sorry to hear that he lost his battle. 
Bill's daughter, Tammy, planned the fund dinner for Annalynn last year. 
Betsy and I went to Rochester shopping for outfits for the wedding coming up.  I found a couple possibilities.  Macy's and Penney's were so hot, no air conditioning, it was miserable to try on clothes.  They must be saving energy!  We went to Applebee's for lunch and to cool down.  When we got home it was still warm and muggy; I changed into my swimsuit and jumped in the pool. 
We went to BJ's and Top's for groceries.  Then we hung out by the pool and picked up a little tan.  A beautiful day.

Hope you all have a happy 4th of July.  Tomorrow night fire works will be at the baseball stadium so we will just sit on the back porch and watch them. 

Golden Gram

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