Sunday, December 18, 2011

My Dog Story was deleted!

Opps!  Some how I hit a button that deleted my dog story! 

Most every night,  I spread a blanket on the rec room floor and lay down to play with our dog. (Cinderella)  That is if she feels like it, otherwise she just lays beside me while I read the newspaper.
All week, my false teeth (bottom plate) has been hurting me.  And again today so I took them out and laid them on the blanket.  Later I had to use the bathroom and I got up and left the room.  When I returned the dog was chewing on something, I looked down, oh my G..  She was chewing on my false teeth.  She had broken a big hunk off the side.  Now I have real sharp points there.  That was the stupidest thing I have ever done!  I went out to the garage to show Bob.  He laughed his head off!  He apologized.  He laughed some more.  That was the funniest event he has enjoyed all week, I guess.  It won't be funny when I have to pay to get them fixed.   I'll have to call the insurance tomorrow to see about dental coverage.  True story!  

Golden Gram

1 comment:

  1. Loll. That happened to my son's mother-in-law when she was staying with them at Thanksgiving a few years ago. The. dogs got BOTH plates and she had to struggle with gumming Thanksgiving dinner.
