Sunday, September 2, 2012



I have the washing almost finished.  We have had lunch and enjoyed the home grown tomatoes again.
Now I have to hunt for something to do as it's boring!  Bob mowed the lawn just before the rain and he is now working on enclosing the cabinet where the new TV was installed in the motor home last April. 


I have beef out for supper to make stroganoff organized, not like me.

I was working on the Tops web site again.  (Sick of that?)  While camping a friend mentioned a discount available to Seniors (Age 60 or older) on the first Tuesday of the month.  She told me it was printed in a small spot on the newspaper.  Shoot, I couldn't find it.  So I went on line.  I found it under the Savings tab.  There is an application to print and turn in at the Service Desk.  It's 6% off groceries plus pharmacy.  So I printed it and will turn it in at my next trip over there.
But this Tuesday a person does not earn gas points with the 6% discount as the earning deadline is Saturday the 1st.  

After supper we were out in the garage and Debbie and Annalynn drove in.  I asked them what they were doing out driving around in the convertible.  They said that they had more wine bottles for us to drill holes in.  But they weren't carrying any bottles.  Then Annalynn put up her hand and surprised us  with a engagement ring on her finger. Oh my gosh, Mark popped the questioned this past weekend.  They are engaged!  Bob and I were  so excited.  When Betsy came out of her room, she was screaming, did you get it?  (meaning the job Annalynn had interviewed for) Then Annalynn put up her hand.  More screams and hugs!  We had some wine and cheese to celebrate and took photos while trying to get all the details.




So the day turned out wonderful and certainly not boring!

I was up early and got ready to go to the Farmer's Market and to Tops again.  That wiped out the morning as I got home in time for lunch.  After lunch I prepared all the meat for freezing. 

Bob had quit waxing the motor home as his arms were killing him so I asked him to help me get the fall decorations out of the shed.   He also helped me with the electric plugs for my Department 56 Halloween scene. 





This is on top of our TV in the Rec room.  The house is the Haunted House by Dept. 56.  There is noise available by clicking the switch; the  sounds are  a squeaking door hinge, screams, thunder and lightening with lightening effects.    Now I can enjoy it for a couple months before the Christmas decos go up.
I was awake at 6:00am when Betsy was up and getting her coffee.  I thought I'd lay there until she was gone to work and then get up early.  That didn't work, I woke up at 10:30am.  I hate when I do that!  Most of the morning is gone. 
I had three jobs on my mind for today and when those were done, I could do what ever.  First I set up the ironing board as I had a about 6 items to press.  Wonder how many people still iron?  Old items have been on Face Book for everyone to click "Like" if they know what they are.  My ironing board has to be 55 years old.  Can't tell how many times it's been recovered.
Then Bob helped me get my fall wreath down out of garage attic.  Here's another oldie.  In 1981 while camping, my niece, Terri, and I turned material leaves and then stuffed them with cotton.  We then put them on a straw wreath along with other ribbon.  Over the years I have had to add a few items to fill in some holes but it still looks good. 


Last I wanted to make an apple pie, if my new pie dish came.  It did so we are enjoying Deep Dish Apple Pie. 

The UPS man always gives Cinder a treat to chew on.

Our first Deep Dish Apple Pie 


Our day was spent in Brockport as I had another appointment with the Dermatologist for my feet.  Different meds to try.  Bob wanted to go to Wal Mart and see if they had more polishing/buffing disks, they did.  I wanted to look around for Mum plants so we went to Lowe's.  They had beautiful ones.  So we bought 3 for the front of the house.  

We had coupons for Burger King so we tried the new sandwich; Parmesan & Chicken.  It's a big sandwich.  We didn't care for the tomato sauce but the rest was so good.   Now we are still stuffed and really don't need to make a supper meal. 

We placed the Mum plants out front and they look really pretty.  Adds some fall color to the place.

Sarah should be pulling in the yard any time now.  She has finished the semester and has some time off before starting the next classes.  So visiting  will complete this day.

A slow morning.  I needed to bake something for a friends funeral so I checked my ingredients and had enough of stuff for the Yum Yum Coffee Cake.  This time I added some raisins to the batch.  It came out pretty good.

I spent alot of time on the computer.  I did some Blog work.  About 2:30pm I wanted to go out and try the pool water.  The water was cold and it was so windy that I couldn't keep my hair out of my eyes.   I couldn't put the umbrellas up because of the wind so I sat under the gazebo until the plants started to blow off the tables.  True story.  So I gave up and came back in the house to start an early supper.
For the newly engaged celebrant (Annalynn) and the birthday girl,(Christianna)  Betsy had planned a day of excitement and lunch.  Betsy, Sarah, Christianna and Annalynn all went to Niagara Falls to ride the big Jet Boat and then lunch on the river side.  When they came home they had a video of the ride for us to watch.  Oh My Gosh, it looked dangerous to me.  The water came up over that boat so high it's a wonder someone wasn't washed out.  But they are thrill seekers!  They got soaked!! 



Geeze, everybody is up at once.  Looks like a nice day and the wind has died down.  Maybe a pool day. 
Donna just sent a text; they just landed in Puerto Rico.  Good now I know they had a safe flight.  David is taking her deep sea fishing. 
We hung out at the pool.  Bob did some more polishing on the motor home.  I see he has invested in a rotary polisher machine.  Gotta have the tools for the job.  Hope it helps. 

Sarah went to the lake with friends, Betsy went to Rochester with friends, so Bob and I went to Miss Batavia for supper.  I had the Pittsburgh Salad.  It's served in a huge-ga soup bowl; tossed greens, tomatoes, celery, and frenchfries and steak on top.  A Riveria dressing comes with it; mustard mixed with something.  The dressing is delicious. 
Then to Michael's to look for glue and Christmas twinkle lights for the wine bottles.  Annalynn and Mark only have $620.00 to go to meet the pledged amount of $6400.00 for the Leukemia race in October.  Maybe they can  make it with the wine bottle sales.  A big heartfelt thanks to all who have so generously donated to their efforts. 
I spent the evening reading the Tops ads and printing coupons for groceries.  Ugh!  Bob watched the Gold Miners in Africa or some place.  I watched till I saw the first snake and that was it for me. 
The morning looks like it will be a nice day.  Beautiful sunshine.  I have promised a Taco Dip for the gathering for Christianna's birthday.  Best I make that up so it gets cooled. Joe and Christianna are hosting at their house. 

We left for Lockport about 3:00.  Annalynn wanted us to stop over at their house first.  So we did.  Annalynn had something to give to Sarah before she returned to Bryant.  (Providence) 

Annalynn gave Sarah a cookie that asked Sarah if she would be her Bridesmaid, with a special note.

We congratulated Mark and wished them both the many years of happiness.

At Christianna's and Joe's we had so much food.  Dips and chips with drinks then a full dinner with birthday cake and Ice Cream Cake.  Debbie and Rocco prepared a champagne toast to Annalynn and Mark.  The newly weds did a bang up job,  there was at least 28 people there. 

Back home and in our pajamas, ready to relax.  It's been a wonderful week for us.  So much to be thankful.  Our thoughts and prayers to all the people who are doing hurricane clean up. 

Have a good week and thanks for clicking in.




  1. Bonnie wants to meet you and have the Pittsburgh Salad

  2. Congratulations to AnnaLynn on her Engagement! Hugs xoxox
