Sunday, November 4, 2012


And here comes another week!  I tried to do as many little house picking up jobs as possible before getting ready to go to my Dermatologist for my feet. Yep, the creeping crude goes on.  I have had two salves with vitamin D in them (90.00 each co pay) and it doesn't touch the problem.  I was all set to drive myself to the appointment in Brockport because Bob is still having a backache.  But he wouldn't hear of it and he crawled into the truck-sore back and all.   It's nice of him but it does nothing for my independence! 
He also had another chiropractor appointment in the afternoon so guess he
was prepping himself for the torture. 
In the afternoon,we hunted up batteries and made sure there was oil in the old lamps, prior to the storm.  Bob even hooked up the electric cord from the motor home generator to the house. 
We watched alot of TV last night following the storm's path.  We just had rain and a couple gusts at 35 mile per hour.  I checked the pine trees on the property line and they were still standing tall.  It wasn't as bad as some of our New York storms.
I had a hair cut appointment today in Lockport and again I was ready and willing to drive myself.  No way hosay.  Bob climbed in again.  After we went shopping at Bon Ton Department store and then stopped at Debbie's for a cup of coffee and a nice visit.  We saw Annalynn's photos of California trip and Debbie and Rocco's trip to Hawaii.  Beautiful!   They gave me a glass block lighted pumpkin which they are now making to sell for Leukemia.  Isn't it cute? 

Back home, we had cereal for supper.  It doesn't hurt anyone once in a while. 
Bob is already settled in to his NCIS OR CCIS, what ever.  I'm going to read until the special comes on at 10:00 covering the destruction from the storm. 
Happy Halloween!  How will you be trick or treating?  We always stay home to hand out the loot but fewer, and fewer treaters come each year.  There are several programs for them within Batavia to go attend which is nice.  Safer too!
The special on TV last night was unbelievable.  The poor people.  So much destruction from hurricane Sandy.  The crews will be put to their limits in the repair job.  One commenter said it looked like the Holocaust which is a good description. 
Bob had dibs on the car today with appointments for his back and at the dentist.  The daily things were done and then I returned to the medical files that we started going thru yesterday.  I posted all the medical transportation for this year, yes, it took a while but it's done and I only have to add the next two months at income tax time.
We were out of goodies so I baked some brownies.  While they were baking I decided to wash the shower walls & floor down.  At least that's a job a person can see in comparison to the file job.  
Have you ever tried to make Ronzoni Pasta?  My granddaughter, Sarah, said they cook it all the time.  For supper I made a side of it to go with polish sausage and a salad.  Not bad, just enough macaroni for us and the cheddar cheese flavor was good.
We had 7 trick or treaters, we have lots of candy left over to munch on.  Kinda a boring evening so guess I'll go have some brownies and then read. 
A short morning for me as I pulled the up early and head for the couch trick again.  I woke up about 10:30 again.   I wanted to go downtown for a few errands and it was noon by the time I got ready.  So instead I drove off to Subway and bought us one of their beef melt foot long subs for lunch.  It was a nice treat.
Downtown I checked Dollar Store and Jo Ann's for the black ribbon on the pumpkin for Debbie.  None.  Then I had a return to BJ's so I went there next an picked up some meat.  Then Wal*Mart and Office Max.  That was enough for me.  Besides it had turned cold and there was snow flakes in the air.  Too soon!
At home, I popped two Ibuprofen and laid down for a while, finished my story on the I pad.  Then I made a Tuna casserole for supper.  Bob's favorite.  I can hardly stand the smell of the tuna fish.  Ugh! 
They announced during the news tonight that they canceled the NY City Marathon due to complaints.  People are standing up with many complaints.
The Steeler's play the Giants this Sunday, wonder if they will cancel that too?
Boy, 3 more days until elections, can't wait for the commercials ads to quit!
My coffee in hand, you may think this is silly but the first thing I did was rearrange the refrigerator freezer.  I'm tired of bending to the bottom for the frozen meat so I put the frozen fruit in the bottom drawer and the meat up two shelves where that was.  It was a brain storm I had during my subconscious morning. 
Then I went downstairs to print some photos.  We are going out for dinner tonight with the old camping group (AR-GYS)  and I had a few photos I wanted to show them.  Plus David and Donna have sent photos of their trip to Oklahoma with Alex. 




Bob continues to work on the insurance printouts to see if he wants to change providers.  He has a comparison Excel sheet all typed up. 

After feeding Cinder and checking her water dishes we left for the City Slickers Restaurant (previously South Beach) to meet our friends there.
It's now decorated in a South Western theme.  Drinks were 2 for 1 at the bar so we loaded up!  As our friends came in we looked like the biggest slush's with 4 drinks sitting in front of us.  They followed suit.  There was several specials on the menu and I choose the Prime Rib accompanied with sweet potato fries as I don't make it at home. It was huge and very good!  They must have snatched up a good chef.  It was 3 hours later when we left and the owners were just setting up for Karaoke. I'd have liked to stayed for that but Bob kept pushing me to the exit.  Another time when his back is better. 

SSS  (shit, shower and shave) all done.  Bob's favorite saying.  We plodded around with coffee.  No hurry today.  I just have stuffed peppers to make for supper and I want that done before the football game this afternoon.  Go Steeler's.  I hope the game isn't cancelled.


Ya never know who's gonna make this Blog of mine.  Lots of competition among the family.  And, I save a lot of photos.  Tee Hee it's fun.  There's a new Blog by my young great niece from Ohio..It's got recipes!  Look on FB for "WILL WORK FOR SHOES AND VODKA" by Stephanie!  She's  cute, perky and full of ambition.  She loves to entertain.   Chris is her "beau" and a good helper.  Congratulations on the Blog Steffie!

I was amused to hear on TV that the new registered voters are not just the 20's something kids but it's 45-50 range who have never voted.   Can that be true?   To let that privilege go by, shame.  Wonder how the voting board  will manage the early voting procedure when they all have such inconclusive results without early votes.  Well, after voting I'm begging for a good breakfast at the local Miss Batavia restaurant.  GO VOTE!

As I close, our thoughts are still with the people following "Sandy".  God help them.  Do what you can to help out, it's another violent tragedy.  If I was younger, I'd pack and go help. 

Have a good week, stay healthy, and make memories.  I have to make a grocery list.  After voting and breakfast Tuesday, I want to go to Tops grocery store to take advantage of the 6% off for "Old Folks!"



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