Sunday, December 2, 2012


This week has really gone by quickly.  Like everyone else we are trying to keep our appointments and start managing Christmas fixings.  There has been an increased amount of mail; catalogs with coupons that need cutting out.  All screaming for our purchases.  The TV ads are going strong for children's toys and telling us to buy from the Small Businesses.  (A direct hit against the big box stores)

A couple of the grand kids have sent their Christmas lists out.   They have to be quite explicit for Gram and Gramps, as we try to keep up with the latest products!  Ha.  Some times the lists will include pictures of the item or the web site address.  That helps.

Bob and I have to make a list.  We spent a good deal of time in Lowe's yesterday looking around for ideas to put down on our lists.   My, they have beautiful outdoor decorations but how do you store all those things?  Our storage is at capacity!

At Lowe's, I rode around in one of their handicap carts (electric) as we had just left my dermatologist, who decided to do a biopsy of the skin on one foot.  (I guess Doc. Leena is flustered and doesn't know what to try next on the creeping crud)  She cut out a deep "plug" to send in to the lab.  I have stitches but no idea how many as they wouldn't let me watch.  The needle for Novocaine was the worst pain; and she did it twice.  Yepps! 


Once we were back home, Cinder (our dog) was still limping.  She looked miserable; lifting her front right foot.  I can't stand an animal suffering so I begged Bob to take her to the vet.  He did and Cinder got a shot and pills.

Bob says, "all my girls are having problems" as Betsy went back to Dr's for another sore throat, she told us at supper time.   I don't know why he excluded himself as he had an  eye check up on Monday and had to go back on Tuesday for laser surgery of the right eye.  Some "thingy" or film grew over his implant lenses.   Same as last year with his left eye.  That's was when I sat in the waiting room so long that I wondered if they sent him to hospital and didn't tell me.  Then I heard his laugh.  You can't mistake that laugh!

I just finished decorating my glass ornament tree in the dining room.   I started yesterday and worked several hours,  I only got the purple lights, multi-color ribbon, purple star garland, and purple beads on it and my back was aching.    Oh, and I had unwrapped all the ornaments.  Today I put on the ornaments and icicles.  It's beautiful.  I do not use a tree topper; instead I put 3 large bows at the top with purple glitter branches sticking out. 




This video is for a little laugh from my camera man.  Short but sweet.
I finished with the tree clean up just in time to watch the Steeler's game.   My favorite, Troy, played a little bit.   The last field goal  won the game for them. 

Well, since we didn't win the power ball lottery, I guess we won't be making any changes and I will have to continue with the work to help Santa. 
I hope you all have a good, productive week as we count down the days till Christmas.
Thanks for clicking in. 


1 comment:

  1. Beautiful Tree! Wow! I have one here that sure could use your special touch! Love reading you every week, Chookie.

