Sunday, January 13, 2013


No washing today as we have a class at the Apple store.  So the morning was getting ready for that; repacking the Apple computer and the Dell lap top to take with us.  We had lunch at Five Guys before our lesson.  Bob had wanted them to down load the files from the Dell.  We arrived 15 minutes early and was greeted at the door.  We were ushered to a table for set up.  There we sat, waiting for 25 minutes.  Several other owners came to our table to set up for a group lesson.  We thought that was strange.  Finally an instructor showed up and he wanted us to move to a different counter, so pack up and move again.  He was very good and let Bob run the key board.  Bob kept asking me - did you get that?  Yes.  Then on to something else.  Bob asked, did you get that?  Yes.  Bob had a large list of questions.  When our hour was up, we signed up for another lesson, our heads were spinning.  So much so fast.  
We drove over to Michael's craft store and I went in to shop for a couple things.  Then we picked up coffee and headed home.  On the way, we talked about our lesson.  So much had escaped us already. We need to try everything to impress it on the old gray haired memory!!!  
We arrived back home about 5:00 pm and then we had left overs for supper.  Bob started getting his fishing tackle together and I checked return addresses off the received Christmas cards.  Not too ambitious to do much else for the day.
Bob had an invitation to go fishing with his dentist, Dr. Joe.  Joe picked him up at 8:30 am and they drove around the Oatka Creek area until noon, fishing here and there, and then went for lunch.  They had toured the Caledonia fish hatchery and a few other places, arriving home about 3:00 pm.  At the fish hatchery they wanted to feed the fish but neither of them had a quarter between them for the food dispenser.  Bob was full of stories, he had such a good time.  He took a couple pretty scenery pictures of the creek.

After dinner, Bob was pooped from his fishing trip during the day and he headed for the couch.  Bob was so tired he fell asleep and missed his favorite story on TV. 
 I turned on the Apple computer to see if I could do anything on it; without help.  I had worked on my Dell computer all day paying bills etc. so I really should do something else more physical.   But I was anxious to see what I remembered from the lesson.  I found the mail and the contact icons so I preceded to do a couple e mails to our kids.  I was so proud of myself; I signed the bottom of the e mail with this:  Sent from my Apple!  (All by myself)  Just like you see on e mails sent by those fancy Smart phones.  
When Bob woke up and wanted the computer, I  went in my craft room and worked on a couple scrap pages to finish off the evening.



Wow! The middle of the week already and I still don't have time to start the washing.  THE SKY WILL FALL!  Well, Bobbie can just wear his gutchies another day.   I picked up a few things around the house and made a brownie mix.   We had plans to go to lunch at the Miss Batavia diner with our camping friends.  We were to meet them there at 12:45pm.  Bonnie had previously heard me mentioned that they make a good Pittsburgh salad and she and I ordered that.  (salad, chicken or beef, french fries and a mustard dressing, umm!)   We all drove over to our house as Bob J. offered to help us with the Apple computer and to see if he could fix the problem that I had on the Blog.  (the browse button to bring in photos had disappeared)  The guys worked on the computers while Bonnie and I visited and I showed her my scrap room.  We had a wonderful visit and later had our 4:00 coffee and brownies alamode.  Bonnie just retired this past summer from a nursing career and she has plans to go to Africa as a medical volunteer to help the poor for eight weeks.  Bob is a retired FBI employee and he is currently a judge.  My Bob was curious if he wore a robe at court.  Judge Bob answered "yes, it's real court!"   "Everybody rise, the Honorable Judge Jae."
Judge Jae (in the robe) at swearing in ceremony.


Our intent for the day was to plan a winter dinner meeting of all our camping members that are still up here in the chilly North.  Maybe at the dinner, we can come up with a name for our group seeing as Snow Birds is used for the ones who have gone South.  

THURSDAY: What a beautiful morning!  It's 45 degrees on the porch already.  Nice!  Bob was out taking down the rest of the outdoor Christmas lights.  He had the car backed out of the garage so he could work on installing the rest of his shop lights.   Once he had the electric installed, it was really bright in there.  You are the light of my life! 
Finally, I sorted the  washing and had that started.  I played on the computer, looking up Scrappin' sites.  I saw a new tape gun and a new Sizzix machine (Big Shot) on the You Tube videos that I want and I was pricing them.  I printed out the details of the machine to see what came with it and what was needed that is extra.  I have also checked at Michael's and AC Moore.  If I can get free shipping it's cheaper on line, unless a 50% coupon appears.  The machine will cut decals and embossed them.  

This is the tape gun.  It holds 1/4" tape.  There is also another model which holds 1/4" and 1/2" inch.  The video girls whip that machine down the sides of paper so fast, zip, zip.  I see it, I need it!   And, you can bet that once I purchase these, it will go in the budget figures as groceries so I don't hear a loud comment again as to how much I spend on Scrappin' when Bob makes the budget print out.  He was probably thinking there goes a tank of gas for my motor home.  He doesn't watch very closely, just my luck recently.  
In the evening while fixing supper I started to take my glass ornaments off my dinning room Christmas tree.  I am not washing them this year, I did it last year and they still sparkle.  
After breakfast we packed up the computer.  This time we put it in my Creative Memories suitcase with wheels and then Bob didn't have to struggle with the big box all thur the Galleria Mall.  We had a 3:15 pm appointment for a "group" lesson.  We left early to have  lunch and stop at Michael's again for a brief shopping spree.  I needed a new ribbon for my calculator so I sent Bob to Office Depot.  
In the mall, Bob went to Best Buy to check the price on some back up thingie while I waited on a bench.  The Apple store was so busy again.  Don't these people work?  Our greeter showed us to a table and sent a teacher to our area.  There was 4 of us in the group but each had a project to work on so there wasn't any chit chatting.  The teacher (Rachel) was excellent.  She put up with Bob's interruptions and came back at him with some good one liners!  

We studied mostly e-mail and photos.    She also fixed the screen so all previous used applications didn't come back up automatically.  Our Mouse was working backwards so she showed us how to fix that and it's much better now.  I like to look at a bigger screen to check punctuation and she told me to tap twice on the mouse (lightly) and it enlarged the screen.  A Nice surprise.  We were able to keep our thoughts straight and try all the new stuff while she worked with the others.  It was really great and our 90 minutes went to fast.  Bob purchased the back up thingie there.
Before leaving, I sent a text to Donna to see if they could join us for dinner.  They were home and they did meet up with us at Olive Gardens.  So it was a fun day and evening.  The drive home was dark, and raining or just plain nasty!  At bed time we set the alarms for an early rise, Bob and the boys were going fishing again.   Come on, enough of this early bird stuff.
Bob and Joe left about 8:00 am to meet David up at Oak Orchard creek.  Cinder and I thought about going back to bed.  But I had breakfast and started finishing taking down the tree.  It took 4 hours, as I have so much on that tree, plus the packing away.
Betsy asked me if I wanted to go shopping and I declined as I had, had it!  I went downstairs and turned on the TV to watch more scraping videos and promptly fell asleep.  Nice nappie!
The guys returned around 3:00 pm, none of them had caught anything.  They were disappointed but they had a very warm day.  
Betsy had made us meatballs for subs so we had that for supper and then watched Net Flex the rest of the evening.  
We are enjoying this nice weather, 62 degrees out.  Bob carted stuff out to the shed without a coat.  Too bad it won't last, cold on the way.  He packed my tree away.
I spent my day in the craft room trying to organize it better.  It's turned into a nightmare!  I've been working out of one of my Creative Memories suitcases which was a hassle so I bought a couple organizer units at Michael's.  They were 40% off so now I will have the items from the suitcase handy.   That kinda work is fun if you can spend a little money to do it right!  Ha, groceries in the budget figures coming up!

So it's back to the job.  Hope you all have a good week  and make the most of your days.  Thanks for clicking in.  

PS: I ran the spell checker but for some reason a few words are still underlined.  Another computer miracle!


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