Sunday, February 24, 2013


I know that I didn't get up on the wrong side of the bed but I feel like  "Dopey" today.  After breakfast, I sorted the wash.  Then while that's running, I take care of our accounting projects on the computer.  I downloaded from the bank and everything looked strange.  Who to heck worked on these descriptions.  Several debits were listed very strange and I had to call Bob to help me identify them.  I was just to "dumb" to figure them out.  I thought that I shouldn't be doing this now, wait till I'm more alert.  We plodded through it and they were all our expenses.  But what a mess.
Bob was on the last lap of the income tax reports.  He had a booklet of questions to answer and wanted my thoughts.  Oh, when I feel like "Dopey".   I pulled myself together, listened and agreed with his answers.  Pages are all signed and in the car for a trip to the post office tomorrow.

During the afternoon, I finished a thank you letter to Make A Wish to submit to the Holiday Ramblings magazine.  My niece's son and family enjoyed Christmas week at Disney Land compliments of Make A Wish.

Kevin, Christi and Eric
Emily, unknown dog and Sean

It was their wish to take their son, Eric, while he can still enjoy it.  Eric was diagnosed with Duchennes Muscular Dystrophy several years ago.  He is in a pilot research program at Duke University where they have done several biopsies.   The Holiday Ramblers support Make A Wish as one of their charities.  They work all year where ever they are.  My niece wanted me to express a heartfelt thank you to all of them, and she wrote a beautiful message which I copied within the body of my letter.
My niece Linda, Eric's grandmother.

For lack of plans, we putzed the morning away.  Bob has been checking the Apple school schedule for a different class and nothing has been posted.  We finally went to the fitness center for a workout.  Then to the grocery store near there. 
I had about an hour before starting supper so I wanted to put my knees up for a while.  Bob went for a haircut.  When he came home, he found me sleeping-sitting up-magazine in my hands.  Ha, the workout was too much for me.  Then he tells me that he wants to go to the Town Planning Meeting at 7:00pm.  First I'm "Dopey" and then I'm "Sleepy,"  Man, I had to wake up quick as I had a meatloaf to make.  Bob came in the kitchen to help me, we had stuff flying..but dinner was served and he went off to the meeting.  He has the latest Town Planning development plans now and he said, "he enjoyed the meeting more than NCIS.  Really?  
The coldest day of the year and I have lunch plans.  The temp is so low, who wants to get out of bed and go anywhere?  I had a slow morning; a few phone calls, and some reading.  I put a roast in the crock pot with potatoes and preceded to get dressed up. 
I met my three girl friends at Tulley's at 1:00pm.  Guests were standing waiting on tables; it seems the school kids had the day off.   Maybe part of President's day recess for them.   Our food was real good but the environment was noisy.  I couldn't hear well and I knew our deaf friend was struggling to stay in the conversation.  There is wall to wall televisions in there.  It was a first outing and driving for my friend who had the six weeks of radiation.  She passed that challenge. 
Supper was a thumbs down!  That piece of beef was so stringy and tough; maybe some wine or vinegar would have tenderized it some.  Bob soaked it up with the gravy.  Never again! 
We watched Wheel of Fortune, Jeopardy and another show and was completely bored.  So off to our computers to see the happenings of the day.
 Last night we found a new show on TV.  Four auctioneers bidding for the sales job.  Of course, we had to stay up until we saw the work of each.  So, we slept in late.  Our breakfast was our lunch type of thing. 
During the rest of the afternoon, I typed up Bob's notes from the Town Planning Board Meeting.  Then he sat with me relating the missing descriptions as I typed.    He did a good job taking notes; 2 pages.  Once corrected he can send them out to the neighbors on his committee. 
I left him posting his notes and went upstairs to cook.  I tried making mini cupcakes in the convection oven.  They turned out very good but way to many for us so I guess I'll send some to work with Betsy for the guys. 
We just did Face Time with Sarah.  She has been working at Harvard Univ. for three days doing an inventory @ book store.  Loving life as she calls it.  (Working Girl slogan)  On Sunday, we called Alex on Face Time.  He will be leaving Oklahoma on Sunday and heading to Colorado for a month.  Some prerequisite for pilot training, I think.
Here's an old story that's been beaten to death over the years.  I can remember when we bought this house, I had previously taken the Civil Service Exams for work.  A lady called an offered me an interview and I declined it because I wanted to get the house in order.  Bob was in Chicago when the movers delivered and I had boxes everywhere.   When Bob came home from Chicago and I told him the days happenings; he told me to call her back-that he forgot to budget for food within our purchase.  I just realized yesterday that I have been retired from Social Services as many years as I had worked there.  God is good. 
 We made it to the exercise place by 11:30 am.  What takes us so long?  After we had lunch at McDonald's as  Bob wanted to try their fish bites.  He didn't care for them. 
On the way home I suggested that we stop at one of the banks to see about changing our accounts from First Niagara that we were shoved into using.  A blizzard started up but we went anyway.   We had a good meeting there with many of our questions answered.  We left with a folder full of reading material and another appointment for next week.  I was satisfied and ready to make the change.  Bob is pondering it.
A brand new recipe was introduced for our supper.  Betsy had a new recipe for tuna noodle casserole.  How can you change tuna noodle?  The directions called for heavy cream and fresh mushrooms instead of cream of mushrooms soup as a base.  It wasn't bad but I dislike tune noodle anyway.  Bob had a double serving,  His favorite!
We watched the final episode of Gold Rush.  Todd's team won the Mother Load recognition.  They all have new locations for mining next year with Parker delaying college to pursue his dreams.  Just a thought; I hope they put the landscape back into it's natural state as they all made a mess of the land. 
 It's arrived!  The day of the Leukemia & Lymphoma Diamond Ball.   Get the shoes polished, iron the shirt, polish the finger nails, dig out the glitzy purse, and jewelry as we are stepping out tonight! 
A little side step to our plans was having lunch with Betsy's friend, Cassie.  She came down from Watertown area to have her taxes done.  She is having trouble finding full time employment and has been carrying two part time jobs.  She is always fun and she was our dog sitter.  We miss her.
We were almost ready to leave home when Alex called that he wanted to do Face Time.  
Shall we dance? 
So Betsy answered his call.   His girlfriend, Erin, was with him in Colorado.
Erin & Alex!
They announced their engagement!
Wow! Shines like a flashlight!

A Toast to Alex & Erin

Erin related the whole story to us; Alex buried dog toys and her ring in a treasure box in the sand.  (He created a beach as they weren't near the water)  Alex has worked at the ASPCA in his off hours and has mentioned getting a dog he has fallen in love with.  Erin thought the dog would show up soon.  He told her to keep digging...she was completely surprised and still crying as we spoke.   Our congratulations to them and wishes that all their dreams come true!
We arrived at Samuels Grand Manor too early.  We checked our coats and check in to received our programs. They were raffeling off a Las Vegas trip in that area.  We went upstairs and they were still bringing out the hors d'oeuvres.  
The Diamond Ice Sculpture
We walked around the tables with the 86 auction items; Vacation Getaways, Entertainment, Bank Accounts, Electronics, Wine & Restaurants, Celebrity/Sports Memorabilia, Health & Beauty, Golf packages, For Your Home and Miscellaneous.  Each item had a bidding clip board with the starting bid listed.  It was overwhelmingly-unbelievable!  The merchants gave big time.  Ipads, TV, Kindles, portraits, even a diamond pendant. 
Open bar; so I had some wine and Bob had his diet coke.  Then we had the hors d'oeuvres  until our family showed up.  
Rocco and Annalynn
David & Donna

Our elegant grandchildren.
Christianna, Annalynn and Rocky
Caroline and Debbie 


By then Bob and I hunted a place to sit; an hour and half of standing and the feet were barking!  12 people per table and there must have been 50-60 tables- big event.  The flower arrangements were donations and in the middle of each was a good size diamond (fake).  Annalynn's picture was on our diamond. 
Table Decorations
Annalynn holding the Diamond.
There was also a cookie wrapped with a thank you from many different survivors.  Our meal was served at 8:30pm and it was delicious.   The bus boys carried out 12 dinners per tray.  The dinners were served from the left and removed from the right!  I was watching them; per my waitress training eons ago at the Nittany Lion Inn in State College. 
The drawing for the Las Vegas trip and program followed.   There was a small paper bag at each table with small black jewlery bags within; we were told to open it and pass one bag to each at our table.  If your bag had a number within it; (5 numbers included for entire audience) you were selected to go on stage and pick a card again...for the real diamond.  Bob's bag had a sequin in it and mine had a bingo chip.  No luck!  We did not know the winner but she was speechless.  We had a fantastic evening and a great experience.
I was up early (aches & pains) but then I took 2 ibuprofins and slept on the couch until noon.  Bob and I went through all the 100 photos from last night and it burned up the day. 
Since this is already too long, I guess I'll post.
What a wonderful ending to our week.  Counting our blessings!  Thanks for clicking in and hope your week is just great.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

COLD: DAY & NIGHT. New Microwave!

During the weekend, Debbie sent this photo of Isabella and her charity endeavor.  Isabella is Rocco's niece.  She did a fund raiser to make these bears to give to the children at Children's Hospital on Valentine's Day. 


A beautiful bright morning that turned into rain in the afternoon then high winds by supper time.  The doors are moving in the suction for gosh sake.  The fireplace chimney is very noisy.  Well, we are all most half way through winter so bear with it, I guess.

While doing the washing, I paid two bills and allocated some debits in Quicken.  I kept real busy while Bob looked up and made the memorial donations for our camping friend. 
It was soon lunch time and after while I kept the wash going, we watched a couple more episodes of DOWNTON ABBEY.  We have 4 more to go in season 2.  Ya just get so engrossed.  The doorbell ran and Bob put the TV on pause.  It was our son, David.  We had a brief visit with him and heard about his weekend at the Orvis sponsored fishing gathering with movies.  He won a brand new pole worth lots of money. 


Betsy came in from work and laughed at us as we were still watching Downton Abbey.  Since nothing was ready for supper; she went in the kitchen and made a turkey sandwich.  We did take a break to eat. 

During supper I noticed that the light blew out in our microwave.  Bob looked at it quickly and told me it never had a light.  Yes it did, how do you think I could see to clean it....yada. yada, yada.   Okay Bob.  Later he discovered the light and the bulb is all melted, he is afraid to touch it.  (I wonder if that's what was burning in the kitchen a couple weeks ago when I stayed up all night)  He pulled the microwave file from the warranty file to check it out.  The manual was printed in 1984, it's old but we couldn't have had it that long.

When he came in from his office (he has a table in front of heater and TV in the garage) he told me that he found the instruction book to our microwave for the motor home.  I have been looking for that for 3 years, whoda thought to look in the file drawer in the house. 
I did it again, I had a good book and couldn't stop reading last night.  So I didn't get up to early this morning.  It was noon by the time I was ready to go downtown for a couple errands.  I went to the bank, the dry cleaners and Wal*Mart.  It was nasty cold, my hands were freezing putting the bags in the truck.  Spring please hurry. 

Once back home, my friend Mo stopped to pick up her "fix it" projects.  She didn't have time for a cup of java.  After her departure, we watched some more of Downton Abbey.  I think we are finished with Season 2 now. 

When Betsy came home, she asked if we had heard the news.  No, what news?   We must have had the TV to loud as I missed a text coming in from Annalynn.  She was accepted at Univ. of Rochester in the Epidemiology Program for her PHD.  I mentioned that she had interviews a week or so back; actually she was interviewed by 10 different people and it was a long day for her.  (Like 8-8:00)   We are so proud of her.  The entire family sent her a text of Congratulations.  Now she wants to wait and hear from the other schools that she sent applications to before accepting.   She made our day.

Bob is watching his stories before the President comes on.   I  dislike him so much that I don't care to watch.  We will probably acquire Season 3 of Downton Abbey for the rest of the evening. 
The first day of lent, I have already been told-"fish now."  Hay, we are over 72 years of age and it doesn't apply to us now.  But Bob likes fish so I'm sunk!  I refuse to cook it in the house, it stinks!   Shrimp isn't too bad but it has to be battered and fried.  The best part of it is, we order out and I don't  have to cook!

I went to Lockport for a hair appointment today, Bob went fishing with his pals.   Still no fish on!  

 About a week ago, Debbie and I was searching for a dress on line that I might like for Annalynn's wedding.  Deb found one that I liked better than the ones I had discovered.  I ordered it and it came last week. 
After my haircut I went to Deb's for coffee and to show her the dress.  Annalynn had returned from work by then so she saw it too.  They both liked it!  Hooray!  The shopping is over!   Amen!  

Back at home, I showed Bob the Rindo milk bottle that was posted on Face Book.  Someone who is a friend of our Florida relatives posted it on Face Book.  This is one of the 1/2 pint bottles that was used to bottle Orange Drink by Bob's Dad.  He had a dairy bottling plant in Albion, Pa., for many years.    Once Bob had his licenses, he peddled milk to houses and schools.  Ya, the dark ages!  They also made cottage cheese, buttermilk, creams, ice cream and butter.  Bob still holds the aka of "Milkman." 

Bob is now searching on E-Bay to see if he can find the listing and who may have posted it. 
Time now to watch some more of Downton Abbey. 
 A blur!  I didn't write and now it's too late.  All I remember is going to exercise class and then out to supper as Betsy wasn't going to be home.  The flower is from my Valentine. 
Back to the microwave; Bob decided that we needed a new one.  He was pretty sure the megathron was burned up as it cooked on one side more than the other.  He wasn't going to monkey with it.  We went to Sears and Home Depot and settled on the one at Sears.  Microwave/Convection for the counter top are in short supply; when this new one wears out we will probably be limited to one that must be installed which for us would mean a complete kitchen redo. 
I wanted one exactly like the one in our motor home which has convection.  Since it's 10 years old, it wasn't to be found.  Sears did have one model on display with convection, and it was offered with $100.00 off.  That is now ours.  Now the kids won't have to run out to the motor home to fetch the ham for Christmas dinner.  My house oven is small and is usually full with the veggies. 

While at Sears, I picked out a dishwasher.  They have a sale coming up March 10th.  Now I have to convince the household that I really need a new one.  I've already pulled the warranty file and can prove that ours is 18 years old come April 22.  NOTHING is made to last that long now!  The saleslady said 10-15 years is good.  Bob painted the rusted racks a year of so ago, that should help persuade the cause.   And there will go another slush fund. 
We all chased the "dust bunnies" around.  It has been a while since our house cleaning was done. 

Spending all that time watching Downton Abbey, I felt like I wasted a week.  But it was so good, we have seen all of season 3 now.  

Bob is now working on income tax again.  His last needed print out came in the mail today.  I'm working on the computer to finish up a letter. 

We want to watch a "trailer" of the castle that was used to make Downton Abbey yet tonight. 

It's snowing hard tonight, the ground is covered.  It's pretty because it's nice and clean but who needs it?

Still snowing.  We had about 4" this morning when we got up.
Bob and I went thru closets and threw out some old things.  He didn't feel to good so we quit sorting and watched a movie.  
I have been waiting since October for the movie "Alex Cross" to be on Netflex.  Last night we spotted it, so this afternoon  we watched it.  It was adapted from a James Patterson book which I have read and I didn't think it stuck to the story.  I'm glad we didn't pay to see it at the movies. 

Betsy made a delicious chicken parm dinner for us. 
Nothing to exciting here so guess I'll post now.   I hope this cold weather doesn't last to long.  I don't like it cold; day and night.
Thanks for clicking in, have a good week.


Sunday, February 10, 2013


So did everyone enjoy the super bowl?  So happy for the Ravens!  I didn't think the commericals were to hot this year, except for the Budweiser one.  Love those Clydesdale's.   Talk about getting old; I sat there trying to remember my Roman guess I'll look them up
for a refresher. 

So  to write the 47th Super Bowl they had XLVII.
X + L (L-X)+VII.  Is that right?  

In this system, a letter placed after another of greater value adds (thus XVI or xvi is 16), whereas a letter placed before another of greater value subtracts (thus XC or xc is 90).

Today we went to Le Roy to sign up for exercise classes.  Silver Sneakers; they must have a Grandma's Crawl.  Gotta move this "dun lap" around.  We have an appointment for orientation tomorrow.  Hope I can do some of it as I sit here shoving chocolate in my mouth.  Oh hay, I'm enjoying it before Lent starts next Wednesday.  Easter is real early this year on March 31st. 

Our requested travel plans from AAA for our trip to Washington, DC. has arrived.  We are going to watch the girls in the marathon race.  Yeah, move that bus!  Annalynn showed us the route they will be on last Sunday. I also want to go to the "money house",  to see the money being made.   

What a belly buster!  In more ways than one.  During the morning I folded clothes and put them away.  We then had a small late breakfast and prepared to go to the Le Roy fitness center for our exercise orientation.  We had a very friendly young girl who showed us the ropes.  We each did a couple exercises on each machine.  Then when we attend again; we can just go on our own.  I was excited as they did have the bikes with the extended peddles (more frontwards) as I still can't bend the stainless steel knee to ride a regular bike.  That's just the way it is folks.  Having changed insurance plans my fee was paid in full for the year-Silver Sneakers.  Bob still  has Univera Insurance and he had to pay $25.00 for the year.  No comparison to what I paid for physical therapy last year at $35.00 a pop co pay. 
We were there for better than an hour and as we left we went straight to Burger King.  We had a special and it was way to much food.  I don't need a full size whopper. 

Then we went to get our groceries.  Again, we bought to much bread and goodies; we won't get any where exercising with the way we shop for food.
That was bad enough but Bob wanted Country Fried Chicken for supper.  Oh my gosh,  I'm stuffed.  The belly is busting!  

Before supper, I made a quick call to California to check on my scrap booking order.  The attendant told me again, "we should have it ready to ship tomorrow."   I promptly told her that was said last week when I called.  I asked the reason for the delay and was told "they must have been waiting on a shipment."  The last few days I had began to think there was a problem with that company;  I wondered if they were expanding to fast to cause a money flow problem and they couldn't order their supplies.  What's it called-floating?  Being worried and frustrated I told the lady to cancel my order.  She  promised to do that without hesitation.  Now to wait and see if I get a credit. 

Bob was invited to breakfast this morning with his fishing friends.  I was just getting up as he left.  After coffee and toast, I had my shower and
proceeded to do the hum drum household activities. I putzed around till Bob came home.  I had lunch as he wasn't hungry.  He went to take a nap and couldn't sleep as he was miserable with a stomach ache.  Wonder how big a breakfast he had? 

We went to the fitness center and ran thru our program.  We didn't do the full program planned for us as to be honest, we were scared to get to sore.  They wanted 30 reps on each machine and we started with 10 reps each machine.  I had told Betsy the night before if we did it all she would probably have to leave work to drive us home.  It's tough when one hasn't exercised in months and months.   I had pain in my new knee on the bike again, the muscles are all tightened up again.   I sure hope that improves with time.

We are going to the Apple School again today.  Right away this morning, I fixed the crock pot with a meal.  Tops had the chuck roast to buy with the freebies on the side. They gave us a bag of carrots, bag of baby onions, rolls to bake, one container of pepsi, and chocolate cake.   I'm not to fond of chuck roast but it sure was wonderful to come home to a ready meal. 

At the Apple school we had two sessions.  (A bit much)  Both of the teachers were very good.  During the first session Bob had requested instructions on the icons tool bar at the bottom of screen.

Then we left for an hour and went to the Tux shop to pick up Bob's Tux. 



Doesn't he follow the attendant into her back room sewing area and take pictures.  He is sooooo curious, wonder she didn't shoo him out of there. 



If you know Bob, you know he talked long enough to get two free hankies for his pocket.   (Navy and White; the girl folded them so the navy was in front of the white and showed up nicely against the black suit)  She also gave him a new pair of suspenders  which he can use with his dress suit. 

Back at the Apple School, I had wanted some instructions on the Ipad but since we didn't finish the first request we continued with the icons and covered more on e-mail, calendars, and Favorites Bar.  We did add the Blogger icon to the Ipad so I can work on it if necessary.

 Since we have been home, we  organized our Favorite Bar with folders.  Many items that were added so long ago and are not being used were deleted.  It's so neat now.  It would be nice to organize all the files but I can't image how many hours that would take. 

We had the funeral for our friend, John, who passed away last Saturday.  Mass was at 11:15 in downtown Kenmore.  (suburb of Buffalo)  We drove first in hard rain which turned to snow and it was slushy.  It snowed harder and most cars were crawling. 
We made it in time and we sat with our other camping friends.  The priest was very hard to understand and he spoke so softly that it was a shame.

A very nice addition was a request by John when John's son in law sang a song by the Righteous Brothers.  I can't remember the name of the song but it was beautiful. The son in law is a professional music teacher and he has a band. 
Ya know you shouldn't judge a book by it's cover, well this young man had a pony tail down to his elbows, and everyone was wondering?   When he started singing we were all aghast.  Just like the discovery of Susan Boyles on TV. 

A luncheon was served following mass.  We crawled home on Route 5.  It was a long drive; an hour and forty five minutes, in the pretty white stuff.  Not!  We were exhausted after looking out for the other guy on the roads, so we took a nap.  Had supper late and vegged the night away. 

Today is Cinderella's birthday and she didn't even get a cake.  She is now 12 years old.  She has a few tumors but she is going strong.  Very happy to greet us as we return home each time. 

Another gray morning.  Betsy has been up and snow blowed the driveway already. 
Today was all about Income Tax.  I do the mundane research and print the pages for medical, medical transportation, and charities.  Bob puts it all on the forms.  He will probably figure it with deductions and standard.  He will go over it a hundred times then send it to Rocco's office accountant. 

Sometime after supper, Bob hit the couch-blurry eyed.  TV was lousy, so he purchased the  PBS Masterpiece theater series of DOWNTON ABBEY; series one and two.  It's great!  I love the old fashioned dresses that the ladies wear.  We thought we could watch from the beginning and be caught up in the story before series three airs Sunday night on PBS.  Not!  We sat up until 1:30 and was only on episode three.   If you haven't seen it, I'd recommend it.  A great British period drama. 

A bright beautiful morning!  We have a bit of a TV hangover.  We probably won't do much today.

I put chicken soup together in the crock pot so I wouldn't have to be in the kitchen all day. 

We have watched Downton Abbey all afternoon.  I'm hooked.  Taking a little break now so I can post this Blog.

I hope everyone has a good week, enjoying Fat Tuesday and then into Lent.
I wonder if they will broadcast any of the Mardi Gras parades.

Nuf now.  Thanks for clicking in.


Sunday, February 3, 2013


This past week I checked Blogger and found out that they corrected their site and put the browse button back in for photo search.  Yeah!  So I did my Blog there again.  Thanks to my friend, the Judge,  who gave me "Chrome" to work in until Blogger was fixed. Ya know, I just couldn't remember that name; I had "acid" in mind all the time.  Old Age.

Nothing but gray skies all day, with some rain.  Our snow is almost gone now.  But the darkness is like a big black cloud hanging over our house.

I whipped through the washing as fast as I could go so that I'd be free to play with my new scrapping toys-when they are delivered.  They didn't come Saturday so I could show the girls so I thought they would be here first thing today.  It didn't happen.  I checked the garage again several times.  Nothing!  I'm disappointed and have to find something else to work on.  I ordered on the 16th so it's two weeks since.  Guess I'll check on it tomorrow.
We went up to Galleria Mall in Buffalo again.  It rained both ways but it was warm out. 

 Bob had a group session at the Apple Store and I used the 90 minutes to go to look for formal wear.  When I returned to the Apple store Bob was still talking...yak yak...Okay Bob let's go. 

The Tux place was just down a bit towards Sears so we went there to check out the sale listed on the Diamond Ball invitation.  Bob will look very handsome in his new tux.   It was cheaper to buy than renting one twice.   We have three weddings this year.
While up there Bob went to Harbor Freight. (he still had a Christmas gift exchange and I thought we were done with returns) He came out with some kinda sand blaster machine, and promptly said "scrap booking toys".  Okay Bob have your say.  

Then he drove me to Joann Fabric.  Next stop was for our 4:00 o'clock coffee and then home. 

There wasn't a package at the door so I was revved!  As soon as I took my coat off, I pulled my order blank to Scrapping-made-simple and called California!!!!!  They haven't even shipped my order yet.  I had a couple words for them but withheld them.  Now more waiting...see if I order from them again.  

We didn't feel like eating because we had a donut with our coffee so we waited till later and had cereal. 

The rest of the evening I pulled old records and ground them up.  There the frustration is gone! 

I was the last person up today so I had to make the bed.  Bob and Joe had left bright and early for the fishing hole.  I have the day to myself!   I had a new You Tube video on SMS to watch,  plus I checked Face Book. 

There was this beautiful picture of chocolate covered strawberries made to look like a football so I clicked on it for the recipe.  Ha, no recipe.  It was a web site called Sharis Berries and you could buy the strawberries all done. 
12 for $44.99 or 24 for $25.00 more.  How many are you going to order for Super Bowl?

At 11:00 am, Bob calls, "open the garage door."  What your home already?
No, they were on their way.  Oh crap!  Right then my day starts to decay!   The creeks/streams were running to fast,  to high, and too dirty.  Just my luck.  I made lunch for both of us. 

Bob laid down and I had my shower and then did some scrap booking.   I made ham and sweet potatoes for supper and we both ate like little piggy's.  Not good!

Bob had ordered a trickle charge to put in the motor home.  The parts came today and he went out while it was warm to install it.  He has also ordered the up date for our Garmin.  (These aren't scrapping toys either)  

We put the garbage out for pick up in the morning.  Bob had been over to the neighbors before supper and he brought home several wooden boxes that the neighbor was throwing out.  He spent the evening hammering them apart for fire wood. 

David stopped for a brief visit on his way home from a sales meeting up North in Saratoga. 
I should be starting my grocery list for First Tuesday next week when we get 6% off for the older generation.  yak!  I read in the Pennysaver that many women are not cutting coupons if they aren't at least a $1.00.  They say it doesn't pay to have .25 off when the store brand is cheaper.  How many times I have stood there figuring the cheapest price.  (Even if the coupon is doubled at check out) They say, force the brand name manufactures to make their coupons more valuable.  They have a good point. 

Since it was so cold, we both worked on our computers today.  I had some posting to do and I wanted to order a dress for the wedding.  Debbie found it on line last night.  After a little back and forth in that web site; I finally figured out the free shipping coupon.  Boy some sites are confusing. 

I made ham salad for lunch and homemade beef-barley soup and pot pies for supper.  Beef soup is not one of Bob's favorites; about a year ago he announced that I never  need to make that again, after making it (57 years) our whole married life.  Okay Bob, now you tell me.  Too bad sweet patotie, I like it. 
More eating, more sitting at the computer!  It's a cold, cold day.  Snow flurries off and on but not much accumulation. 

My friend, Mo, stopped for a visit.  She brought several "fix it" projects for Bob.  She had three different broken things for Bob to glue.

When Betsy came home from work and opened her mail we had some excitement...she had received Sarah 's diploma from Bryant University for completing her Masters degree.  Our first grandchild to receive her Masters! 


Also today, Annalynn was interviewing at U of R for acceptance into a PHD program.  She will finish her Master's this spring.  Very career driven students. 
As soon as I got up and had my coffee, I headed downstairs to the computer to see if Punxsutaney Phil saw his shadow which means 6 more weeks of winter.   Face book was not working but WGRZ and MSN was and Phil's prediction is an early spring!  We all needed to hear that-say it again!  An early spring!  Yeah!

We have a dinner tonight at a famous beef house near here, the Red Osier.  Bob and our friend, Bob J. arranged the evening for our camping group.  Well, for the campers that haven't gone South.  Bob prepared a memo and called that the Polar Bear Dinner. 

Before leaving for dinner, we received news that one of our close camper friends had passed away.  It was a shock as he had just made it thru a serious surgery.  He will be sadly missed within our group; as he was a ball breaker who kept things lively.  
Even with the bad weather to the North of us, we had ten people attend.  Our dinners were very good and we had a nice social evening, even with the sad circumstances. 




We were home by 7:30 and just relaxed for the rest of the evening.

Boy, it's hustle and bustle to Lockport for an 11:00 am birthday breakfast.  Annalynn's birthday and she is 27 years old now.  (well on the 5th)  Debbie and Rocco had a big spread with egg & cheese dishes, donuts, croissants, breakfast pizza, and birthday cake.  We had a great time visiting and catching up on the latest news and events.  The ladies are all in training for the Leukemia marathon race April 28th in Washington, DC.  More power to em!


Back home by 2:30 pm, and getting ready for the super bowl.  Neither teams are my favorite but I read on FB (great nephew's posting) that if the Niners win; that will tie them with the Steelers' super bowl wins....we don't want root and toot for the Ravens.  (If I don't have this right, Betsy will threaten me with the Nursing Home, ha!) 

So till next week, hope you all enjoy the game and then have a good week.  Thanks for clicking in.

I'm anxious to post to watch the game!
Golden Gram