Sunday, February 3, 2013


This past week I checked Blogger and found out that they corrected their site and put the browse button back in for photo search.  Yeah!  So I did my Blog there again.  Thanks to my friend, the Judge,  who gave me "Chrome" to work in until Blogger was fixed. Ya know, I just couldn't remember that name; I had "acid" in mind all the time.  Old Age.

Nothing but gray skies all day, with some rain.  Our snow is almost gone now.  But the darkness is like a big black cloud hanging over our house.

I whipped through the washing as fast as I could go so that I'd be free to play with my new scrapping toys-when they are delivered.  They didn't come Saturday so I could show the girls so I thought they would be here first thing today.  It didn't happen.  I checked the garage again several times.  Nothing!  I'm disappointed and have to find something else to work on.  I ordered on the 16th so it's two weeks since.  Guess I'll check on it tomorrow.
We went up to Galleria Mall in Buffalo again.  It rained both ways but it was warm out. 

 Bob had a group session at the Apple Store and I used the 90 minutes to go to look for formal wear.  When I returned to the Apple store Bob was still talking...yak yak...Okay Bob let's go. 

The Tux place was just down a bit towards Sears so we went there to check out the sale listed on the Diamond Ball invitation.  Bob will look very handsome in his new tux.   It was cheaper to buy than renting one twice.   We have three weddings this year.
While up there Bob went to Harbor Freight. (he still had a Christmas gift exchange and I thought we were done with returns) He came out with some kinda sand blaster machine, and promptly said "scrap booking toys".  Okay Bob have your say.  

Then he drove me to Joann Fabric.  Next stop was for our 4:00 o'clock coffee and then home. 

There wasn't a package at the door so I was revved!  As soon as I took my coat off, I pulled my order blank to Scrapping-made-simple and called California!!!!!  They haven't even shipped my order yet.  I had a couple words for them but withheld them.  Now more waiting...see if I order from them again.  

We didn't feel like eating because we had a donut with our coffee so we waited till later and had cereal. 

The rest of the evening I pulled old records and ground them up.  There the frustration is gone! 

I was the last person up today so I had to make the bed.  Bob and Joe had left bright and early for the fishing hole.  I have the day to myself!   I had a new You Tube video on SMS to watch,  plus I checked Face Book. 

There was this beautiful picture of chocolate covered strawberries made to look like a football so I clicked on it for the recipe.  Ha, no recipe.  It was a web site called Sharis Berries and you could buy the strawberries all done. 
12 for $44.99 or 24 for $25.00 more.  How many are you going to order for Super Bowl?

At 11:00 am, Bob calls, "open the garage door."  What your home already?
No, they were on their way.  Oh crap!  Right then my day starts to decay!   The creeks/streams were running to fast,  to high, and too dirty.  Just my luck.  I made lunch for both of us. 

Bob laid down and I had my shower and then did some scrap booking.   I made ham and sweet potatoes for supper and we both ate like little piggy's.  Not good!

Bob had ordered a trickle charge to put in the motor home.  The parts came today and he went out while it was warm to install it.  He has also ordered the up date for our Garmin.  (These aren't scrapping toys either)  

We put the garbage out for pick up in the morning.  Bob had been over to the neighbors before supper and he brought home several wooden boxes that the neighbor was throwing out.  He spent the evening hammering them apart for fire wood. 

David stopped for a brief visit on his way home from a sales meeting up North in Saratoga. 
I should be starting my grocery list for First Tuesday next week when we get 6% off for the older generation.  yak!  I read in the Pennysaver that many women are not cutting coupons if they aren't at least a $1.00.  They say it doesn't pay to have .25 off when the store brand is cheaper.  How many times I have stood there figuring the cheapest price.  (Even if the coupon is doubled at check out) They say, force the brand name manufactures to make their coupons more valuable.  They have a good point. 

Since it was so cold, we both worked on our computers today.  I had some posting to do and I wanted to order a dress for the wedding.  Debbie found it on line last night.  After a little back and forth in that web site; I finally figured out the free shipping coupon.  Boy some sites are confusing. 

I made ham salad for lunch and homemade beef-barley soup and pot pies for supper.  Beef soup is not one of Bob's favorites; about a year ago he announced that I never  need to make that again, after making it (57 years) our whole married life.  Okay Bob, now you tell me.  Too bad sweet patotie, I like it. 
More eating, more sitting at the computer!  It's a cold, cold day.  Snow flurries off and on but not much accumulation. 

My friend, Mo, stopped for a visit.  She brought several "fix it" projects for Bob.  She had three different broken things for Bob to glue.

When Betsy came home from work and opened her mail we had some excitement...she had received Sarah 's diploma from Bryant University for completing her Masters degree.  Our first grandchild to receive her Masters! 


Also today, Annalynn was interviewing at U of R for acceptance into a PHD program.  She will finish her Master's this spring.  Very career driven students. 
As soon as I got up and had my coffee, I headed downstairs to the computer to see if Punxsutaney Phil saw his shadow which means 6 more weeks of winter.   Face book was not working but WGRZ and MSN was and Phil's prediction is an early spring!  We all needed to hear that-say it again!  An early spring!  Yeah!

We have a dinner tonight at a famous beef house near here, the Red Osier.  Bob and our friend, Bob J. arranged the evening for our camping group.  Well, for the campers that haven't gone South.  Bob prepared a memo and called that the Polar Bear Dinner. 

Before leaving for dinner, we received news that one of our close camper friends had passed away.  It was a shock as he had just made it thru a serious surgery.  He will be sadly missed within our group; as he was a ball breaker who kept things lively.  
Even with the bad weather to the North of us, we had ten people attend.  Our dinners were very good and we had a nice social evening, even with the sad circumstances. 




We were home by 7:30 and just relaxed for the rest of the evening.

Boy, it's hustle and bustle to Lockport for an 11:00 am birthday breakfast.  Annalynn's birthday and she is 27 years old now.  (well on the 5th)  Debbie and Rocco had a big spread with egg & cheese dishes, donuts, croissants, breakfast pizza, and birthday cake.  We had a great time visiting and catching up on the latest news and events.  The ladies are all in training for the Leukemia marathon race April 28th in Washington, DC.  More power to em!


Back home by 2:30 pm, and getting ready for the super bowl.  Neither teams are my favorite but I read on FB (great nephew's posting) that if the Niners win; that will tie them with the Steelers' super bowl wins....we don't want root and toot for the Ravens.  (If I don't have this right, Betsy will threaten me with the Nursing Home, ha!) 

So till next week, hope you all enjoy the game and then have a good week.  Thanks for clicking in.

I'm anxious to post to watch the game!
Golden Gram

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