Sunday, February 10, 2013


So did everyone enjoy the super bowl?  So happy for the Ravens!  I didn't think the commericals were to hot this year, except for the Budweiser one.  Love those Clydesdale's.   Talk about getting old; I sat there trying to remember my Roman guess I'll look them up
for a refresher. 

So  to write the 47th Super Bowl they had XLVII.
X + L (L-X)+VII.  Is that right?  

In this system, a letter placed after another of greater value adds (thus XVI or xvi is 16), whereas a letter placed before another of greater value subtracts (thus XC or xc is 90).

Today we went to Le Roy to sign up for exercise classes.  Silver Sneakers; they must have a Grandma's Crawl.  Gotta move this "dun lap" around.  We have an appointment for orientation tomorrow.  Hope I can do some of it as I sit here shoving chocolate in my mouth.  Oh hay, I'm enjoying it before Lent starts next Wednesday.  Easter is real early this year on March 31st. 

Our requested travel plans from AAA for our trip to Washington, DC. has arrived.  We are going to watch the girls in the marathon race.  Yeah, move that bus!  Annalynn showed us the route they will be on last Sunday. I also want to go to the "money house",  to see the money being made.   

What a belly buster!  In more ways than one.  During the morning I folded clothes and put them away.  We then had a small late breakfast and prepared to go to the Le Roy fitness center for our exercise orientation.  We had a very friendly young girl who showed us the ropes.  We each did a couple exercises on each machine.  Then when we attend again; we can just go on our own.  I was excited as they did have the bikes with the extended peddles (more frontwards) as I still can't bend the stainless steel knee to ride a regular bike.  That's just the way it is folks.  Having changed insurance plans my fee was paid in full for the year-Silver Sneakers.  Bob still  has Univera Insurance and he had to pay $25.00 for the year.  No comparison to what I paid for physical therapy last year at $35.00 a pop co pay. 
We were there for better than an hour and as we left we went straight to Burger King.  We had a special and it was way to much food.  I don't need a full size whopper. 

Then we went to get our groceries.  Again, we bought to much bread and goodies; we won't get any where exercising with the way we shop for food.
That was bad enough but Bob wanted Country Fried Chicken for supper.  Oh my gosh,  I'm stuffed.  The belly is busting!  

Before supper, I made a quick call to California to check on my scrap booking order.  The attendant told me again, "we should have it ready to ship tomorrow."   I promptly told her that was said last week when I called.  I asked the reason for the delay and was told "they must have been waiting on a shipment."  The last few days I had began to think there was a problem with that company;  I wondered if they were expanding to fast to cause a money flow problem and they couldn't order their supplies.  What's it called-floating?  Being worried and frustrated I told the lady to cancel my order.  She  promised to do that without hesitation.  Now to wait and see if I get a credit. 

Bob was invited to breakfast this morning with his fishing friends.  I was just getting up as he left.  After coffee and toast, I had my shower and
proceeded to do the hum drum household activities. I putzed around till Bob came home.  I had lunch as he wasn't hungry.  He went to take a nap and couldn't sleep as he was miserable with a stomach ache.  Wonder how big a breakfast he had? 

We went to the fitness center and ran thru our program.  We didn't do the full program planned for us as to be honest, we were scared to get to sore.  They wanted 30 reps on each machine and we started with 10 reps each machine.  I had told Betsy the night before if we did it all she would probably have to leave work to drive us home.  It's tough when one hasn't exercised in months and months.   I had pain in my new knee on the bike again, the muscles are all tightened up again.   I sure hope that improves with time.

We are going to the Apple School again today.  Right away this morning, I fixed the crock pot with a meal.  Tops had the chuck roast to buy with the freebies on the side. They gave us a bag of carrots, bag of baby onions, rolls to bake, one container of pepsi, and chocolate cake.   I'm not to fond of chuck roast but it sure was wonderful to come home to a ready meal. 

At the Apple school we had two sessions.  (A bit much)  Both of the teachers were very good.  During the first session Bob had requested instructions on the icons tool bar at the bottom of screen.

Then we left for an hour and went to the Tux shop to pick up Bob's Tux. 



Doesn't he follow the attendant into her back room sewing area and take pictures.  He is sooooo curious, wonder she didn't shoo him out of there. 



If you know Bob, you know he talked long enough to get two free hankies for his pocket.   (Navy and White; the girl folded them so the navy was in front of the white and showed up nicely against the black suit)  She also gave him a new pair of suspenders  which he can use with his dress suit. 

Back at the Apple School, I had wanted some instructions on the Ipad but since we didn't finish the first request we continued with the icons and covered more on e-mail, calendars, and Favorites Bar.  We did add the Blogger icon to the Ipad so I can work on it if necessary.

 Since we have been home, we  organized our Favorite Bar with folders.  Many items that were added so long ago and are not being used were deleted.  It's so neat now.  It would be nice to organize all the files but I can't image how many hours that would take. 

We had the funeral for our friend, John, who passed away last Saturday.  Mass was at 11:15 in downtown Kenmore.  (suburb of Buffalo)  We drove first in hard rain which turned to snow and it was slushy.  It snowed harder and most cars were crawling. 
We made it in time and we sat with our other camping friends.  The priest was very hard to understand and he spoke so softly that it was a shame.

A very nice addition was a request by John when John's son in law sang a song by the Righteous Brothers.  I can't remember the name of the song but it was beautiful. The son in law is a professional music teacher and he has a band. 
Ya know you shouldn't judge a book by it's cover, well this young man had a pony tail down to his elbows, and everyone was wondering?   When he started singing we were all aghast.  Just like the discovery of Susan Boyles on TV. 

A luncheon was served following mass.  We crawled home on Route 5.  It was a long drive; an hour and forty five minutes, in the pretty white stuff.  Not!  We were exhausted after looking out for the other guy on the roads, so we took a nap.  Had supper late and vegged the night away. 

Today is Cinderella's birthday and she didn't even get a cake.  She is now 12 years old.  She has a few tumors but she is going strong.  Very happy to greet us as we return home each time. 

Another gray morning.  Betsy has been up and snow blowed the driveway already. 
Today was all about Income Tax.  I do the mundane research and print the pages for medical, medical transportation, and charities.  Bob puts it all on the forms.  He will probably figure it with deductions and standard.  He will go over it a hundred times then send it to Rocco's office accountant. 

Sometime after supper, Bob hit the couch-blurry eyed.  TV was lousy, so he purchased the  PBS Masterpiece theater series of DOWNTON ABBEY; series one and two.  It's great!  I love the old fashioned dresses that the ladies wear.  We thought we could watch from the beginning and be caught up in the story before series three airs Sunday night on PBS.  Not!  We sat up until 1:30 and was only on episode three.   If you haven't seen it, I'd recommend it.  A great British period drama. 

A bright beautiful morning!  We have a bit of a TV hangover.  We probably won't do much today.

I put chicken soup together in the crock pot so I wouldn't have to be in the kitchen all day. 

We have watched Downton Abbey all afternoon.  I'm hooked.  Taking a little break now so I can post this Blog.

I hope everyone has a good week, enjoying Fat Tuesday and then into Lent.
I wonder if they will broadcast any of the Mardi Gras parades.

Nuf now.  Thanks for clicking in.


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