Sunday, August 4, 2013


We had to run over town (Little Buffalo) and get a few things before heading to Lockport for Bob's physical with Dr. Haroon.  We had lunch at home and then left.  Right away I start thinking about that cupcake place in Corfu. 
 I asked him to drive by way of Corfu so we could check out the cupcake place I had heard about at the shower.  He did and we found it but alas, no cupcakes.  They are made to special orders.  Well, we found many other niceties to buy.  So we had a box full to take to Debbie's for a coffee treat. 

At Lockport, I dropped Bob off as I had a return for Bon Ton and did some shopping.  Then went back to pick Bob up at Dr's.  He was happy with the results.  Passed his EKG OK.  Now he has to schedule a stress test in Lockport but doc said it should wait till after Annalynn's wedding.  (All in the family kinda guy) 

We went to Debbie's and had coffee and the treats.   Who ever said Money can't buy happiness, has never shopped in a bakery!  585-599-4550     www.buttercrumbsbakery

Christianna, Joe and Mario came over to visit. 

All seems to be under control for the wedding.  There's a few details left. 

What a cool morning for July.  I hate it!
I don't care much about wearing jeans and having to wash them already.  The wash is started, ugh!

We will be waiting on the Cable Guy-Ha!  I don't suppose his name is Larry.  The problem with the Internet has continued.  Brian showed up right on time.  We had a class at the Verizon store so Betsy came home from work to finish the cable guy's call.  He changed some of the outside fittings as they looked old.  Hopefully, that was our problem. 

The class at Verizon was 2 hours again.  There was several people there, some could keep up and some just ran their batteries down. 
The attendant went through so many items; GPS, CALENDARS, REMINDERS, NOTE PAD, APPS, PHOTOS, GENIUS, SIRI, FACE TIME, AND THE VERIZON USAGE.  It was a full plate.  I probably forgot a few too.   At the end, our brains was burning so we had to go for ice cream to cool down.

He showed us how to search for apps to install and since supper is done, I downloaded Gas Buddy (price per gal-where ever) and a craft store-HOLLY HOBBY.  I wonder if there are any Blogs out there?

Other than that, we loaded up the motor home for take off tomorrow morning.  We were invited to attend a Rodeo in Gerry, NY, with friends from Chapter I2.  That's one town south of Lilly Dale, oh boy.  Wonder if I'll have time to partake a few messages at the stump. 

Well, Bob just said he is going the hill up, which means he is going up to bed.  I have to write a packing reminder list and then I'm going the hill up too.

A long day!  We rose early, showered, and backed the motor home out, heading up to the college for car hook up.  The lights didn't check out and this time Bob couldn't fix them.  He worked from 10:30 am until 12:30.  We drove home and he worked all after noon.  He called our friends to say we had problems. 
I went in the house and made Yum Yum coffee cake and goulash for supper.
Kinda a bummer day.

Bob wanted to get up early and hit the auto parts stores that was closed last night.  He is pretty sure it's a tiny box mounted on the motor home that is causing the non functioning lights.   He went to five stores and ended up ordering the part.  It was to be here by 12:30pm. 

We had lunch in the motor home since all the food is out there.  Then Bob left for the part.  Maybe, maybe we can still go.  Yes, he got the part.  Now to install it; the ground is all wet as it just poured during lunch.  Wishing him luck!   

Bob had repaired the lights and we checked them out and was ready to go about 2:00pm.
Arriving at 5:00pm, we quickly parked with our friends help, and headed up to the dinning hall for the Ox Roast dinner.  While walking the midway, we bought sugar waffles and Bob purchased a new straw cowboy hat. 


 The cowboys of the rodeo are participants of a traveling circuit.  On the program, they are from 11 different states; as far away as Texas.  There was four contestants from New York State.  They have built a career in earning points to be eligible for the big money at the end of tour at the western big rodeos.   The program was two and a half hours long with a fifteen minute intermission. 

Even thou the event was very professional, Bob was disappointed in the fact that there wasn’t much glitz and glamour.  Maybe two riders had fancy chaps but that was it.  When you grow up with Hopalong Cassidy and his famous horse with all the silver on the saddle and bridle, black dress code with glitz, I guess it is a let down.

Aside from all the riding broncos & steer, barrel racing, steer wrestling, team roping,  I had two favorite events of the evening.

A young girl rode around the arena, standing up on the backs of two beautiful ponies.  I’d say they were just a little bigger than Shetland’s . 
Then come to find out the Clown for the evening performed with the same duo of ponies; riding thru fire torches-one horse to each side, and then jumping a bar barricade.  He was presented as the best horse trainer in the East.  We think the young girl must be his daughter. 

Then the funniest thing was called a Calf Scramble.  Kids from 6 months to twelve years old (separated into age groups) had to chase a calf and get the ribbon off of it’s tail for a $5.00 prize.  Kids were running everywhere as the calves scattered. 

At the end of the evening we made plans to depart at 10:30am for our next venue.  Enough of these flies and manure!


This morning it was cool and damp, a heavy fog had settled in.  I didn’t sleep much as a sore throat is developing.  I gargled with salt water before bed.  This is not fun. 

We waited until 10:30 am before leaving so we wouldn’t arrive at Sheridan Municipal Campground before our sites were empty. 
This place isn't the Ritz but at $20.00 a night who could complain, it includes water and electric.  There is a road down to Lake Erie and the lake was a rolling with white caps.  There is a basketball court and a play gym so that is good. 
During lunch, we had a text message from our grandson Alex, at Vance Air force Base, Oklahoma.    He was in a plane that he had driven/soloed by himself.  One of his friends made a video so we could see his take off!   Oh my, I was so excited, all I wanted to do was cry!  This is the second plane that he has soloed in.  I believe he has one more type to fly.

After set up we walked down to the beach.  Lovely.

We went out for supper to the VFW,  Bob tried a fish fry again and was very pleased with it.  I had shrimp in the basket.

We stopped at Tops on way back to camp for a few things and a bundle of wood.  We also drove around and our friends showed Bob two fishing piers so he stopped to buy worms.  Campfire was great as it was so nice and warm out anyway.  I came inside around 9:30 as I was so congested.  What a bummer.


Beautiful sunny day.  Our friends are off to Westfield to the Portage Pie place.  They tell us a lady makes 100 pies a day.  I did not feel like going.  Bob put on his fishing attire and went down to the lake with worms in tow.  I stayed in motor home and read a book.  When Bob returned we had lunch and then drove to Silver Creek and went in a Rite Aid for cold medicine. 
By evening, I felt somewhat better so we all ate outside at the picnic table and then had a fire. 
I think I slept about 2 hours all night.  Coughing, sneezing etc.

I was up early, made the coffee.  After our showers, we just kinda fell into gear of packing to depart.  We paid for our camping, dumped and left,  driving up Route 20 to Irving for fuel fill up at Native Pride.
While riding, my head dropped a couple times, hard to stay awake.  With those cat naps, once home I was gun ho to get the motor home unpacked so I could take a good nap. 
I slept until 6:00pm.  Betsy had supper ready.  What a good kid!  I was not much into the thought of cooking!
End of story!  Here's to a good week ahead and to a great big thank you for checking in. 



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