Sunday, January 12, 2014

AFTER THE BLIZZARD, OR BECAUSE OF THE BLIZZARD; SNOW MUCH FUN! Sinnamon Swirl Bread, Scraping, Stamping Up, A Deer Surprise!

Well, we watched Downton Abbey last night.  It was a little slow going until Mary came out of her depression.  They have moved up to the Roaring Twenties and the ladies clothes have changed to the long waist Flapper dresses.  Not to impressive!  There sure are lots of stories going on within the one.    

It's a ripping outside!  Wind is making the house hum a melody and my knees are cold sitting by my computer!   The TV cable went down and I can't get FB up and running right.  Ho-ya, Ho-ya!  Just deal like we have before.


I want to share with all my readers a little surprise from this morning:  look what appears in the bed. 

1) Bob needs all this stuff-the shooter to turn on the TV.
2) The cell phone to check and see if he remembers how to turn the TV on with it. He may need to send a text too. 
3) The little shooter for Apple TV.
4) The book to read.
5) He has to know the temperature at all times!!!

This didn't come out so funny, but I had a laugh!  An example of the Information Age.  More like Old Age!  It's so horrible outside, we just have to laugh about something.

Much to my surprise when I got up, I saw that Betsy was home.  She was baking bread and brownies.  She had tried to go to work but couldn't get out of driveway and decided it was to cold to snow blow the driveway.   She also mentioned that she doesn't have the big truck (Yukon) anymore and she wasn't trusting that little Prius.  At last, she gets smart!

The TV and Internet was down.  I was still awake at 1:30am when the TV went off.  Betsy called Time Warner and they came in no time.  The house checked out okay so the utilities man said he would call for a bucket truck to check outside.  I think it was about 1:30 pm when it all came back up.
I checked all the newspapers for the Blizzard up dates and posted to Face Book.  Then Bob figured it out and posted from his phone-the same thing.  Okay Bob.  

I spent the day in my craft room.  I enjoyed using the new craft equipment: SIZZIX BIG SHOT MACHINE.   I die cut and embossed four snowman cards and it took me all day.  Man!  That makes the four cards cost about $40.00 each.  Ha.  There was lots of detail stuff to do.  The little details use up lots of the scrap paper.


I pulled out my Stamping Up stuff and tried to refresh my memory on using the "silver glitter" that is made by using rubber stamps and a heat gun.   I was so pleased with myself when it worked.  Woot! Woot!  Within the silver, it says SNOW MUCH FUN!

I finished the James Patterson book called "GONE" last night.  Even thou I didn't enjoy the horrendous murders by the Mexican cartel that detective, Michael Bennett was pursuing, the story kept one guessing.  Now to find another good book.

Nice clear beautiful, sunny day, never know yesterday was a blizzard.  One can actually see across the street.  After Bob cleaned half of the driveway, we had soup for lunch.  No bread, No Milk left.  So we headed out to the grocery store.  Tops extended the 6% off day due to yesterdays storm.  

In the middle of downtown, we came upon a traffic back up; the red lights were not working.  


 Bob turned on the car radio and we heard that a circuit breaker had exploded and 7800 people were without electric in Batavia.  They hoped to have it repaired by 3:30pm.   

Now we walk into the grocery store and it has a few lights on; most likely by generator.  It was spooky!  I flew around getting the most needed items so we could get out fast; I'd hate to be in that big building if all the lights went out.  All refrigerated units were covered with drapes. 

As we prepared to leave the parking lot, they announced an accident at one of the downtown intersections so we decided to use the back streets to drive home.  Woa, were they rutty and bumpy.
We both had a nap before fixing supper.  After I checked my phone and there was a new scrap booking You Tube posted so I watched it.

My computer is acting up...Bob wanted to call the fix it guy again.  
I wanted to use a recipe on the back of a dried yeast packet but it was hard to read as the print was so small.  I thought if I typed it, I could enlarge it.   Bob said I had to use his Mac..oh man.  I could have had the recipe mixed  by the time it took to type it.  That machine is greek to me!

Anyway, the recipe was for Cinnamon Raisin Swirl Bread.  I love the taste and smell of yeast.   I made it up and let it rise.  When ready, I punch er down and rolled it into the rectangle as directed.  I buttered it and put the cinnamon-sugar on it.  I rolled it up only to realize that I forgot the raisins.  Old Age!  So undo and start over.  I made the second loaf just fine.  It turned out very good and Bob said it was a keeper.  



My Christmas photos came in the mail today so now I can start planning that scraping job.  Some photos are not to good; they look a little out of focus, yet I don't remember seeing that on the computer.  I was worried that some were to dark.  I'll have to check it out..
I'm up before day light (potty trip) and the neighbors back light is on.  So I peeked out between the blinds and low and behold there is a deer eating spilled bird food under the feeders.  I called Bob.  Then 2 more deer came up from the field and joined in the meal.  I was so excited that I didn't even think of a photo and I had my phone in the pocket of my robe.  They were so close, no horns!
Bob stayed up as he had a fishing day planned with his buddies.  They were going up to Oak Orchard area again; I mentioned to him to be careful incase the ice starts moving in the creek.

I started to organize my photos for scraping.  I cleared the dinning room table and spread out my blank pages and went to work.  Boy, there are so many different subjects, hope it doesn't create lots of pages.  I'll just have to squeeze them in. 
Bob returned home about 2:30pm, no fish.  He worked on the computer during the evening, after a long nappie.
We went into Eastern Hills shopping center as we had a return @ Macy's and Bob wanted to see if he should exchange a few things at Orvis.  (fishing store) 
The weather was crappy, fog and rain.  We were gone all day.  I visited Hobby Lobby for the first time.  That's a big store. 
We stopped at the Protocol Restaurant to inquire about a place for our camping group to meet in Feb., for our Polar Bear Dinner.  The group suggested a lunch, probably so they wouldn't have to drive after dark. The Protocol does not serve lunch on Saturday, so the hunt goes on. 
We went to Bob Evans for our lunch.  Bob played around with his phone trying to copy/scan their (what ever it's called) little black printed box to pick up their app.  We finally filled out a paper copy that the restaurant supplied. 
Back at home, we flopped on the couch  exhausted and watched the funny old movie called Bucket List.
Cold, snowy morning.  The back field is full of water.  When our children were at home, they would ice skate out there once it was frozen.
I had an invite to a Pampered Chef party on my phone this morning.  The hostess lives in N. Carolina.  The hostess, catalog and all ordering was on the web site...pick and pay!  Pretty clever.  I'm still amazed with this IPhone.  I have to admit, I went to my computer to do the shopping..  

I watched ice skating until I feel asleep this afternoon. Fast way to use up the day.

That's about it for this week.  I'll probably pay for sloughing off this week but it's been fun.  Betsy is calling us to supper.  

Thanks for clicking in.  Have a good week! 


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