Sunday, September 18, 2011


I went to the grocery store for fixings to make stuffed peppers.  I found some beautiful peppers at the Farmers Market on Friday.  At home, while working on them, I thought, why do I have to make these?  It's a big job!  Well, one  remembers the great taste and gets all excited to have them.  Besides Bob's grandmother taught me how to make a delicious gravy from the tomato juice.  We probably won't have peppers again as they are so expensive in grocery stores.  I  have enough to freeze and to take camping with us.
I was so afraid that I'd loose the two donated store gift cards that I decided to make a basket and put them in to it.  I went out in the garage and dug in all the donations to find some small items to use for fillers.  I just used the ribbons that I had on hand, I wasn't going shopping again.  So one basket is trimmed with purple and one is red & pink. 

A beautiful morning.  Today we pack to  go camping.  Well, I thought I had all day for packing and leave tomorrow but the Milkman surprised me by telling me that our reservations start today-"Early Parking!"   We did fine.  All packed and on the road by 2:00.  Even made lunch for Alex who stopped by.  We decided to  bring Cinder as she loves to camp with us.  So here we are on our site.  One other couple is here. We  have taken Cinder for 4 walks.  She pulls so hard that she chokes herself. 


Camp is about 10 miles from home. A little rain just blew thru.  High winds are expected  so Bob didn't put out the awnings.  So we are enjoying our coach again.

A nice morning.  Sunshine already.  Bob took Cinder for a long stroll.  She sniffed every post and tree.  We drove the car home to leave the dog with Betsy and to pick up the donations for the rally.

Cinder wasn't too happy with us leaving her behind.  Back at camp we visited with the campers who had arrived.  After dinner, we went to the pavilion to see if the chairmen wanted to fix the goodie bags.  They did and we had about 15 people offer to help.  So we spread out the stuff, and everyone took a bag and walked around the table picking up each item.  Some counted the bags and put them in boxes.  We were done in no time. 

Then the confusion of what items went into the brown bag auction, which were door prizes, and what was silent auction items.  They hassled!  Things were moved around and around.  Once satisfied we picked up the trash and came back to the camper to watch TV.
Rain all night!  Very cold!  We had breakfast in the camper then showered to go Greg'reys Bakery, in Bergen.  They had 6 girls working making goodies.  Bob took lots of photos. We bought turnovers and cinnamon rolls.  


Back at camp, Bob took more photos as the motor vehicles were streaming in- several at a time.  What a site to see.  By 7:00pm there was at least 40 units that had arrived.  I helped with the registration so the others could have lunch.  We have five couples who are in the First Timers group. 

We have 8 states in Region 1: ONT, NY, MA, ME, NH, CT, RI, and VT.  We had members from all states but CT, RI, & VT.   Chapter 1 and Chapter 12 (NY) prepared the evening meal of hot dogs, beans, chips, pickles and cupcakes.  I helped serve the potato chips.  The presentation of flags was done.  Then games; Nickel-Nickel, and a new game to me called PEGS & JOKERS.    There is a campfire but not many members sitting around it.  (Too cold)

Rain during the night; cold!  Up and moving for 8:00am coffee and donuts.  Chit chat with all the Ramblers.  Many people went to Batavia and Le Roy: casino, Jell-o Museum, Camping World, hardware stores, and garage sales.  Cocktails were at 3:00pm.  I made the Taco Dip which everyone loved.  At 5:00pm those who were going for Fish Fry left.  
Later the Brown Bag auction was held.  Every unit was to bring one item.  Our Assistant NY State Mgr. was the auctioneer. 

 He was terrific!  All items were concealed in brown bags; you bid without knowing what's in the bag.  It was hilarious as he had bidding wars going on.  He raised $360.00 for the HRRVC Scholarship fund.  We still have the Silent Auction and the 50/50 to do tomorrow night.  There is a campfire but again it's to cold. 
We shut the alarm off at 6:30 and then slept in.  Man!  We awoke about 8:00am and had to scramble to get up to the pavilion for a full cook meal: juice, pancakes, eggs and sausage.  The Officers for Region 1 did all the cooking.  It was very good.  The officers have council meetings this morning. 
At 1:00 pm the Bean Bag Baseball games started.  There was four teams signed up.  You have four bean bags which are thrown at a board with holes in it.  Under each hole there is printing; 1st base, 2nd base, 3rd base, home run, out, foul, etc.  When the bags go thru the hole, you follow the printed instructions.   The bases were folding chairs; the members could sit until the next person was lucky and moved him to the next base or home!  Most of the time there was outs!  It was fun to watch.



At 3:00 pm the campground owners hosted a Wine Tasting party with cheese and crackers.  Many of the members enjoyed that and made some purchases.  Back at the pavilion, we had a catered dinner of bar b que pork, beef on weck, and bar b que chicken with side dishes.   We had entertainment by a magician who related all tricks to camping or the big RV's etc.  He had members participate and they were funny.  The closing flag ceremony was followed by the drawings for the Silent Auction, 50/50 and door prizes.   Once the monies were tallied up for all fund raisers; they reported $868.00 total.  Yeah!  I was hoping we would make $500.00 so I was thrilled.  That amount will look nice printed in the Ramblings magazine as a donation from Region 1 for the HRRVC Scholarship.  Well, this was a long day, and I'm making a b-line for the motor home. 
Yep!  Back up to the pavilion at 8 for coffee and donuts before members leave for home.  It's over! What a great fun time!  Safe travels to all.  We helped clean the hall as the campground was offering church services at 9:30 am.  We were back home by 11:45am.   We have had a wonderful week and grateful to have seen so many friends and having had such a fun time.  Bob has a couple hundred photos to go thru. 

This next week, I suppose that I should be thinking of planting bulbs.  Many of ours have been eaten by gerbils-no,no, I mean moles!   Ti's fall! Have you noticed that it's dark by 8:00 now?  The farmers are out in the back field with 3 units harvesting the beans with lights on.  We had a couple nights down in the 40s.  Wonder if I can still get tomatoes to can?  Some of our family will be walking in the "Light The Night" event for Leukemia.  There's a birthday party for our grandson Eric too.  We will miss these as we are camping at a music event. 

Thanks for clicking in. 
Golden Gram

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