Sunday, October 2, 2011


After the two past weekends of fun; I guess waiting for the mail will be our big excitement for this week.  My  goal for the day was to get all our thank you notes out to the donors for the rally.  Bob and I created a list of them all  and who he thought we should address the letters too.  At one point he's telling me a name and it looks like two different people from his notes.  When I commented he remembered it was.  He makes messy notes!  The job is done and in the mail.
I got up early (6:35) and had coffee.  Then decided I would go back to bed and then I slept until 9:30.  Now that put me in a groggy mode.  I was slow moving the rest of the morning.  I finally was ready to go get groceries as the cupboards are bare.  We drove by some very pretty trees but we didn't have a camera so we could share the golden hues.  That task done; I started working on the camping newsletter.  I'd like to get that done by the end of this week.  After chick on a stick for supper, we had our coffee on the porch and spotted the geese and deer out in the field.  Bob did take some photos using his telescoping lens but they are so far out they still look little.  

 I just finished watching Biggest Looser.  They have two new trainers and now they have 3 teams.  They were only allowed to use the gym two hours a day to be more realistic as if they were home trying to exercise.  I volunteer to watch it in our bedroom as everyone else likes NCI, ICS, what ever is on at the same time. Our TV in the bedroom is going on the fritz too.  There isn't any sound on several channels.  Another one to replace.  Hooa, Hooa! 
I need some new reading material so guess I'll switch now and go to the library site for books. 
I've had some strange, tiny, red blisters on my hands and feet.  My first thought was "bed bugs" so I tore the bed apart and put every thing thru the washer and dryer. I get rashes and hives from so many things but this looks different.  I didn't see any bugs.  Be darned if I know what's happening.
I finished the camping newsletter today and sent it off to the web master to post.  She did that in a hurry.  I read it on the site and found 2 errors very quickly.  I go over and over it, and still miss some things.  Then I printed it for our members without computer and put it in snail mail.  Done!  
My friend, MO, stopped by today for a visit.  I made lunch. She bought a new Nissan Altima.  So Bob and I  had to look at that; then she took us for a ride.  Very nice.
After supper, I spent some time looking over the camping book as Bob has some campgrounds marked-if we go to look at the Elks in PA., along with our trip to Ives Run on PA border.
Did a little work on the computer today.  Ha, I'm always finding stuff to do on here.
Tonight we have plans to pick up our widow friend and meet other friends for Fish Fry at the Batavia Downs Casino.  I have the $5.00 free play coupons that was donated for the rally to use before the date expires as they are dated 9/30/2011. 
Everyone reported that the fish dinners was very good. Of course the gaming didn't last long as their in the business to make money.  We all went to Sport of Kings after for desert and to visit. 
We set our phone alarms.  Mine went off at 7:00am and I promptly shut it off.  Bob's went off just after mine, but he got up.  He was hitching a ride with David & Donna to the Utica College football game.  I kinda had chills yesterday so I backed out of the trip.  I offered to babysit Coco; the big dog!   Good decision as it poured the whole game.

ERIC #4 
 Bob says, "Utica put out a good game, but they lost."  The opponents were huge!  The score was 70-48.  How many touchdowns makes a score of 70?  Grandson Eric came off the field with ice packs on his shoulder and his ankle.  I always worry about them getting hurt-either team. 

  It's dark and gloomy again today.  My blogger lady is in N. C. on her way to Fl. and she says they have snow.  Wow, before us. 
I finally cornered Betsy to say she would make spaghetti sauce.  Of course, the ingredients that I bought 6 weeks ago have been used so it's a trip to the store.    Downtown all the flower pots that were on the poles are all down and replaced with corn stalks, bales of hay and pumpkins against the poles.  It looks very nice. 
We now have a big pot full of sauce on the stove simmering.   It smells so good!  My favorite meal. 

What are these?
 There must be a thousand Geese out in the field now.  They sit in the mud puddles from the rain.  I'd think they would be freezing.  There is also 6 white geese.  Funny, would they be snow geese? 


My nephew sent an e-mail note today with several photos attached of their little one.  Owen is 10 months now, pulling himself up and crawling all over.  And, he has his two front teeth!  We both agree; they grow up to fast.

I have some stuff to get ready for tomorrow so best I post this now.  Bob has another stress test in Lockport at 7:45am, so we have to paddle fast in the morning! 

Photo by my nephew, who was just there.
 Take care and have a good week.   Keep clicking in; next week should be more interesting.  We hope to go camping to see the Elk @ Benezette, PA. 

By for now.

Golden Gram

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