Sunday, November 10, 2013


Did you guess who the mystery fiddlers were in Sunday's post? 
Answer:  Betsy and Bob

Oh, boy yesterday the neighbor hood was all white again.  Temp in the 30's.  Wow, it is usually January before we see that cold... Not a creature was stirring.

I never went out of the house.  I worked on sorting some of Sarah's scrap booking paper and pushed the washing thru.  See, I have Sarah's, Betsy's and my scrapbooking supplies to keep stored.  The girls are not into it right now, but maybe time will change that too.  Having been a Consultant for Creative Memories; I have every suitcase available at that time, so does Betsy.  We could take a Scrap booking cruise and have everything we need packed. 

Since the pork spareribs weren't quite done for supper, Betsy and I drove over to Michael's to pick up some "more" plastic boxes for our storage.  We want to get rid of all the cardboard boxes as she thinks they hold the moisture and may cause the mold smell.  She has just as many projects as I have.  Right away she transferred them and labeled the containers.  How sweet it is!!!  Before all the remodeling, I had to wonder if I would be capable of scrap'n for another 5-10 justify the expense.  I sure hope I have some of it done in another 5 years!

After supper, I wasn't worth beans; I had enough for the day.  We watched the game shows and looked for something else,  then I fell asleep. 

I rolled over in bed and wondered if Bob got up in time to go fishing with the guys.  He was gone!  Oh, a peaceful cup of coffee!

Today is Young At Heart Day (6% off for old timers) at Tops grocery store so I went on line to their site and made a list.  As I was driving there, at a red light I noticed a Cadillac SUV..(big one) waiting to turn left.  Now the car is still-tires aren't moving-but the rims are just a turning so pretty.  Can some of you car buffs tell me how that could be?  Was I hallucinating? 

At the store, I noticed these jars of Pigs Feet.  I'm surprised they are processed.  Both of the Grandma's made these things.  Grandma Lang called them Zilts.  I can remember her scratching the hairs off the feet before cooking them.  When they cool in a dish, a gelatin forms around them.  They all loved to sou-doole them.  The most disgusting thing to put on a table! 

Bob was home when I returned with the groceries so he helped me unload them.  We had lunch and went up to the Fire Station to vote.  We both wanted to rest/nap after but a neighbor came over to visit.  Then our son, David came.  A nap was not to be.  David wanted a cup of coffee, but Bob said "first we take the air conditioner out of the living room window!"   Nice to have help arrive!  Bob had removed the two smaller ones out of the bedrooms yesterday. 

I'm still sorting and organizing my craft room.  I finished going thru Sarah's paper then put it into one of the new plastic tubs to keep it dry and clean.  I had three different boxes of stuff that I had pulled for specific albums that have been done and just didn't empty them at the time.  It takes a long time to sort and place in the correct place.  Bob put up the hangers for my cutting rings. 

I made chicken and rice for supper an it was horrible!  I had Carolina rice and the last time I used it, it remained hard in the stuffed peppers.  So nothing to do but pre-cook it.  Well, the result was a sticky paste.  Yuk!  The package is empty now so back to Uncle Ben's.  While cleaning the table, I dumped about a half of the casserole dish, nobody stopped me.

In the evening, I watched the CMA awards.  Country isn't the country that I grew up listening too.  I couldn't understand the words for the background noise.  Know what's funny, I think I watched it other years and thought the same thing.  Why do I continue to submit myself to it then?

After breakfast, a shower, and getting dressed, I started gathering up all the Halloween decorations to pack them away.  Bob brought the six tubs in from the shed for me.  It was a big job working in the new stuff without throwing away anything.  Glad it's done.  Bob wanted to know if he should bring in the Christmas tubs,  I said "no way!"  Enough for today. 

During lunch, Bob told me that the farmers are cutting the corn in the back field.  Yeah!  Now we will be able to see the deer better as now they run into the rows and disappear.  Oh, I was so afraid that they wouldn't cut the corn  until March like another year. 

We received an invite to the Oatka Milk Products Christmas Party today.  It's on Dec. 7th and our camper party is on the 14th.  Several years they have been the same date.  It's hard to think Christmas already, our family needs to do the name exchange thing. 

Well, tomorrow we have plans to go to the Hamburg Craft Show-Christmas In The Country.  I have to get ready for that...


We left home about 11:30 am. for the craft show.    We met my sister, Toots,  inside the entrance building, as she already had purchased her ticket.  Things have changed at this show since we were crafters there.  Right away the shopping bags that used to be handed out to customers free, were now being sold by church groups for a dollar.  They still had the Premier Promotions info
printed on the bags. 

Instead of three buildings, they now have four buildings of crafters.  Each building had good crowds attending.  But we noticed so many booths with "purchased" products which was always a "no-no!"   They had Cuckoo clocks in many different sizes, they had to be from Old Country, their whole back wall...not one or two.   There was manger scenes that had molded figurines, many different sizes.  The topper was a booth with a hand towel, dish cloth and pot holder, that looked right out of Wal-Mart or Kmart.  We always had to be judged with photos before being accepted and everything had to be home made.  Things change.  It's a put down to the people who work so hard and have a beautiful booth full of work.  

We walked and walked about two hours.  My back, knees and feet were hurting so bad, I suggested we get something to eat so we could sit a little.  Toots never complained once.  After lunch we sailed threw the other buildings.  Toots and I decided, we are too old for storing any more nick knacks.  We did buy a neck scarf each. 

I did see a couple of ideas that I can make with what I have on hand.
A small Ugly Tree was frosted with snow, had red berries and cardinals all about, priced at $75.00.  I have the trees and red berries that I put on now, so buy a can of snow and walla-a change of scene.

There was many booths with huge baskets or boxes of beautiful arrangements, probably to decorate a fireplace.  There were animals figurines in some, so I got an idea of how to use my three reindeer.  I only have 6 big bags of baskets on hand-unreal. 

About four o'clock we departed and headed for home.  I couldn't wait to hit the couch!   
With my first cup of coffee, I looked out to check the corn field to see if the farmers finished cutting the field while we were gone yesterday.  Yes!  Now to look for deer.

Recoup day!  Try to find an excuse not to do what needs doing. 
But that's just not me.  Since Bob is keeping the upstairs so cold, (with his fancy thermostat) I decided to put the electric blanket on the bed.  Changing the sheets, I saw that I had torn a hole in them down by my feet.  I can't remember how old they are, my pretty snowflake ones, kaput.

Well, I needed help.  Bob to the rescue.  Our first attempt at hooking it up wasn't correct as every time we turned the bed lamps on or off, so went the control of blanket.  Okay Bob, you and your fancy wiring.  We had to struggle with that big king size mattress to get to the wall plug behind the headboard.  Then move the headboard.  We struggled and groaned but it's done.  Now the irony of it all, I'll probably be to hot and will want to take it back off next week. 

I blogged some, paid three bills, entered the cash receipts  and we reconciled some accounts.  Nothing to strenuous!  

While eating supper, there was seven deer in the back field.  So nice to see them run and play.

An old movie was on called Mrs. Merkle which the kids interpreted as Mrs. Miracle, we watched that as it was cute. 

A wet, cold, nasty, windy, dark angry day.  We cancelled all our going out plans for an afternoon movie.  Truthfully, I didn't sleep well last night so I was a late riser, which screws everything up.  Then I fell asleep during the Bills'-Steelers' game this afternoon.  Darn! 

Oh, know how I'm always reading, well, I just want to put in a plug before I close.  My daughter-in-law, Donna, let us know recently that her brother, Danny  and his wife, Cathleen have written a children's E-book.  It's available on  If your scrolling threw there, they need reviews. 
Bubbles & Me, Learning our A,B,C's can be found on along with our author biographies.  

I want to wish them lots of sales and the wonderful feeling of success!  So proud of them. 

An unproductive day.

Thanks for clicking in, have a good week. 


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