Sunday, January 22, 2012


I don't even want to post this as all I did all week was medical, and one movie.  But like Newt Gingrich says, " I don't but I will!"

Boring day!  Isn't there a saying; if bored wait something will come up? 

Yep, Couldn't get into the dentist because the doctor was out sick. 

At super, Betsy complained that she had a cold shower again this morning.  Not again, we just had it fixed before Christmas and I just sent the payment out.  Call John!  (Sallome Heating)  John is on a cruise so his brother Dave came out.  He got the pilot light going but he found a wire that is burned.  He has to order it.

Went to dentist at 11:30am.  They ground the high spots on plate that were hurting and out I went happy as they felt so much better.   While I was there at the dentist, Bob went over to Home Depot to price water heaters.  He explained the different units but I don't listen; I don't want the mess!  He is also pricing the tank less wall units. 
I dug around for my DVD on Yoga.  I called Sarah who was also bored and we went thru the instructions together...laughing at each other.  While we are down on the floor, Cinderella gets all excited and she attacks us for attention.  A dog's life, ahe?
We had high wind warnings for this evening.  They were saying 80 mile an hour; stay inside.  The winds were bad but Bob's weather machine only recorded 49 mile per hour. 

Today I had two pre-op appointments; one at Genesee United Memorial Hospital and one at Dr. Hoy's.  The hospital was at 9am.  They remodeled the hospital and it really looked beautiful in the front reception area.  However, to get to the back part they made a long, long, gradual incline hall.  They should have put in a walking conveyor belt like the airports install.  My two cents.  
I had registration with one employee; who did her thing, no chit chat.  Back to waiting room for about 15 minutes.  Then the next employee; she was thorough, she didn't rush, she offered additional health care, she gave me a folder of reading pamphlets, she explained so much but there was just something missing.  (A cold experience) I don't know what I was expecting but I started to loose my confidence.  "Maybe my leg is not bad enough to go thru with this?"  On to the blood tests and chest x-rays.  That completed this appointment. We drove to Dunkin donuts for coffee and a treat since I had to fast for blood work.
Then to Dr. Hoy's.  More x-rays!  We met with the Dr's assistant, Greg.  He answered my above question by pulling up the x-ray pictures on his laptop, and showing me on his knee exactly where he expected the pain area that I'm having would be.  Right on man!  My next question was about my vision of my lower leg flopping around once the bones are sawed-what do I do?  "Say come on leg, we are going this way!"  At this point, nothing had been said about the extension of the replacement knee having a insertable point that goes down into bottom tibia for control.  He cleared up my vision.  We went thru allergies, meds and hundreds of other questions; one more time.  I had my confidence back. 
Home for lunch with Sarah and then we were off to the movies.  Sarah's treat!  I have wanted to see the "War Horse" even though I hate war movies.  The advertisements had a horse in it and I immediately thought "maybe like Disney!"  It was very good and I survived the war parts.  It's 2.5 hours long. Steven Spielberg film with lots of enhancements.  Nice to be retired; to the movies during the week, in the middle of the day! 

Another appointment!  I had to be at the American Red Cross at noon up on Transit Road in Buffalo to donate my blood for surgery.  That went fine.  As I'm getting my coat on I see Bob is out in the parking lot; looking down and waving his arms-like he is swearing.  What is he doing?  I approach the car and he tells me that he lost his phone.  He wanted to take a picture of me coming out of the ARC building for my blog.  Okay Bob, calm down. He was so upset with himself.  (It might be  the fourth phone replacement in the last two contract periods)  He had been to Sears to look at water heaters.   Back to Sears and he took my phone to make the call so his would ring.  A lady at the shoe area had it; a good person had turned it in.   We went to Cracker Barrel for a "soft" lunch.  My gums hurt!  After 2 other stops we headed home in a blizzard. 
Cool morning!  17 degrees.   Sarah & Betsy left for Bryant University in Rhode Island about 7:00am.  Betsy will fly back and we are to pick her up at the airport on Sunday night.

One more appointment at 10:40am.-my annual eye check up.  Good to go for another year. 

Home again to do some pick up, lunch, a nap and it was supper time.  I made baked pork chops but I went back to my old false teeth to eat! 

More discussion on the water heater replacement; the tank less type has a 12 year warranty.  Okay Bob, but maybe we won't stay in this house for 12 years or in 12 years we could be in the Nursing Home.  74 +12=86 YEARS OLD.
I had so much reading to do from hospital that I went thru that while watching the Gold Rush program.


I never got dressed until the afternoon because I wanted to shower and all the water was turned off!  DH shut the water off and then went to the store to get the parts required for a couple leaky faucets.  He took the parts with him to make sure he purchased the right replacements.   
After shopping, Bob picked up a box of Florida oranges as the truck driver was here this week.  A group was selling bar be que chicken there so he brought one of those home for dinner.  So thoughtful!
We spent the evening compiling printouts to begin Income Tax. 
We have had a nice quiet weekend.  I saw three deer run the length of the back field this morning.  The first sighting in a long time. 
We worked on Income Tax some of the day.  We saw the beginning of one football game and the ending of the other; as we had to pick Betsy up at the airport. 

It's late so guess it's posting time.  No pics this week; we are slipping!  Hope  everyone has a good week ahead. 

Golden Gram

1 comment:

  1. Wow such a busy week, think it tired me out just reading it. Guess I better take a nap.

    Do you guys have hot water again?
