Sunday, January 8, 2012


Betsy and I took down the living room tree and the wall decorations.  I pack the ornaments in each of their boxes after she removes them.   I packed the two manger scenes and put away my Ugly Trees.  I kept going until the knees started barking; then I brake.   I just put my feet up about 3:30pm and took a nap.  I remember waking up groggy and it was time to start supper.  I mentioned "Miss Batavia" restaurant please!  Of all things, it was closed as the staff was celebrating New Year's Day.  Whooda thought? 
The big dump of snow (predicted amount) did not come here.  The sun came out and it was beautiful.  I had a hair appointment in Lockport so that consumed the day.  We visited at our daughter Debbie's after for coffee and goodies.
A new "Biggest Loser" crew started today so I watched that on my TV while the rest watched CSI and etc.  After I stayed up to work on a puzzle.  Oh, it's tempting to keep going for just one more piece.  I haven't worked a puzzle in year's; it takes a while to get oriented but fun!
Well, the denture paste that we both use is not available any more in stores so we have to order on line.  I did that in Oct. and we still haven't received the order.  They took  my money!!!  Bob has tried to contact them with no response.  I more or less had to decide if I want to deal with the constant problems of poor fitting without the paste or give in an go for new dentures.  My dentures move constantly making sore spots.  I gave in.  I had an 11:00 appointment today for impressions.  How different the procedure is now;  plaster paris has been replaced with warm wax.  Three sets of impressions were done for each denture.  I had to stick my tongue out and move it from side to side.  I really felt stupid!  I guess it's to move the muscles  adjoining the jaw line.   Then a brace was put in from one jaw to the other jaw.  The dentist came at me with what  "looked like a grease gun"  and pumped more wax on top of the brace.   Now shut your mouth and do not open, do not open, do not open your mouth.   That was the worst.  I imagined not being able to swallow and all kinds of choking thoughts.  Tee Hee, I couldn't help but think of all the people I'd like to see with their mouth glued shut!   Evil I am!   I'll bet if Bob could have seen me; he would have said-"at last she can't talk, maybe she will listen now."
At night, I worked on the puzzle until 1:00am, just couldn't quit!

As soon as I had my coffee; I went to work on the puzzle-just to wake up.  Yah, an hour later I still didn't want to quit.  But on today's agenda was an appointment to meet a friend who works at Genesee Cty. Nursing Home-PT section for the grand tour.   To explain, if I pass all my physical requirements and I don't chicken out, I'm having total knee replacement (left knee) on Jan. 31st.  After the hospital stay I will be going to physical therapy at the Nursing Home.   Right now I'm going nuts with all the paper work; there is lots of appointments to make, blood donations, Joint Camp, referrals, forms to fill out, and insurance approval etc.  I still hate to make phone calls!   
 The Nursing Home is close to home for family trips-if I need something and it's very pretty and clean.  Each roomie has their own bedroom with TV and shared bath.  Mornings is occupational therapy and then physical, and physical again in the afternoon.  There's kitchens to cook or warm up food, there is a huge rec room for entertainment, and there is equipment to exercise.   My friend  gave me the Admitting Coordinator's phone number to call and request pre-admission planning  or reservations for a bed after surgery.  After the tour, I was glad that I had picked that place of the three approved venues. 
While supper was cooking,  Betsy came to help me with the puzzle.  She is fast!  We put the last piece in before supper was done.

Back to the dentist for a fitting appointment @ 10:30.  My mouth felt so full with the new plates which are set in wax.  I'll pick up the permanent set next Friday.  Hope they fit good.  Then for coffee to wash the taste out.   
We picked up a cart full of groceries at Tops and came home for lunch. I only needed a few items, ya, $160.00.   We both took a short nap and then took off for the Galleria mall.   I'm still shopping for a dress for the wedding.  I tried on a black one & a navy one.  Douddie!  So no luck.  We went thru the kitchen store across the way and then headed home. 
The girls wanted to watch a movie but "pay for view" wouldn't work and posted a sign "unavailable".   Betsy called and they went thru a series of programing to no avail.  They will send a repair guy between 2-4 Saturday  so have someone at home.  Okay.  We watched Gold Rush.
Having coffee and I hear a strange noise.  It sounds like someone using a chain saw.  Yep, my new neighbors have a crew of guys cutting down the two pine trees that have been leaning towards his house.  We have been so worried that the trees would come down in our pool area during high winds. 


The weekend is Verizon free calls so I called several friends to catch up on their health issues and ended up being invited out to coffee.  We even had a piece of pie; getting tired of cookies.  After we went to Target to shop. 
At home, Bob and I watched some football.  The girls left us a movie to watch for the evening as they had birthday parties to attend.  I think it was called "Super 8".  It was weirdly stupid!  Lots of noise!  I read my book while Bob finished it. 
No plans for the day so just punt!  I printed a recipe that my sister wanted. I read a couple Blogs.  I finished the HRRVC newsletter and the Business Minutes.  That's ready to go to the Webmaster.  I need to go thru the Christmas cards received to see if any addresses have changed. 

We certainly are lucky with this good weather.  It's still green here. 

 Per Bob's machine: Winds out of the West at 6 miles per hour, peak 17-average 8.   Wind chill 24o.  Temperature 30o.  Humidity 65%.  Rainfall event 0.00, future sunny.
Hope everyone has a good week.  Work those holiday calories off!  Ha! 
Steelers play at 4:30pm. 

Thanks for clicking in.

Golden Gram

1 comment:

  1. We have had a couple friends that went to rehab there and liked it, as much as you can like rehab. I visited one there and he was playing cards with the others and having a grand time. Will keep you in our prayers and try to visit if you are there a while.
