Monday, July 1, 2013



Hi Everybody!  It's me,  GOLDEN GRAM!  We had a wonderful weekend and I have the sore hips, knees and ankles to prove it!
Friday night started it off with making the cookie trays for Annalynn's shower.  We met at Debbie's house and everyone brought at least 3 dozen cookies


The girls were mixing cocktails and making the Sangria punch for the shower.  Liz had a cocktail that looked like a green salad in a glass.  She said it was a movhiquito, I don't know as I couldn't grasp the name of it! All I can remember is mosquito!  Chelesa had a cocktail that looked like a fruit dish!  Boy, I'm showing my age!
With a tray in hand, we all went around the pool table picking up 3 cookies of each kind.  We filled 14 trays.  After this Debbie had made dinner for everyone but Bob and I had eaten so we left.

Many of the roads were blocked off due to flooding, we had to set the GPS for a different road home.  Many Lockport basements were flooded.  
Saturday morning was the shower.  Annalynn had chosen the Wilson Boat house on the shores of Lake Ontario for the venue.  It's beautiful there with all the yachts in the harbor.  

The theme ended up very nautical but Annalynn wanted to work in her sorority emblem of the anchor which means HOPE. 

Annalynn was just a delight!  She was excited and very pleased with each gift and many times told the story that lead to it's receipt. That evening Christianna hosted a Bachelorette Party while the Bridesmaids were in town.  She had the Spring Lake Winery come and offer samples of their wines. 
So many people brought food, at least 20 25 dishes to try.  It was a foodie night, lots of wine, gifts and dancing! 
Look at these cute shoes that cousin Erica made.  It's a cupcake, graham cracker and a chocolate praline treat.   
Liz and Chelesa  Here's a good blackmail picture!  Darn I should have put the IPhone camera on video and caught the action and the music!
I think the girls were dancing to the Woodle!  I thought we would have to call Rocco to put more floor supports under the living room floor with 12 girls bouncing at once.
Continuing with the events: Sunday Betsy hosted dinner for Sarah's July 4th birthday while she was home.  We ate on the patio and enjoyed the summer's eve.  The wind blew out the candles. 
Before everyone left; we called Alex out in Oklahoma on Face Time!  
Alex is still  studying, he has volumes to know before he flies.  Oh, Tuesday will be his Dollar Flight.  It's a tradition where students gift their instructor for the ride; decorate a dollar bill or make something that reminds them of the first flight. 

Look at this picture!  Little Rocky knew how to take a picture of what Alex is seeing on the screen.  And we can see Alex.  Technology!  Rocky is one smart boy!  We wished Alex a happy ride. 
Today it has cooled off and now raining.  It's empty the dishwasher, do the laundry and above all, remain normal!  Ha!
WHAT A WONDERFUL WEEKEND FOR US.    Wish I could share the 200-300 photos that David snapped with you all but it's impossible on here.
I feel like I have celebrated enough for the coming holiday.  I'm going to lay on a raft in the pool and watch the fireworks from the baseball park over across the field. 
Thanks to everyone for all the expressions of sympathy and cards this past week when Cinderella passed away.  Deeply appreciated. 
Hope you had a good week and thanks again for clicking in.

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